35 Results for breast cancer

Immunotherapy: A New Age of Cancer Treatment Abstract: The growing number of reports documenting successful immunotherapy of tumor patients and the increasing knowledge of the mechanisms governing immune reactions against tumor cells warrant further experimental efforts in this area. Currently,...
Alcohol does many different things to your body. While drinking might make you feel good, abusing alcohol may lead to serious complications. It effects the body both mentally and physically. Alcohol will slur your speech, increase your reaction time, make you lose co-ordination, and causes impot...
1 "The Treatments of Hodgkin's Disease" Hodgkin's disease is a form of cancer that effects the lymphatic system, a part of the immune system that helps fight diseases and infections. It is a disease with three different types of treatments. T...
Performance enhancing drugs can cost someone their career or even worse there life. There are three main types of performance enhancers that are used by athletes : Amphetamines, Anabolic Steroids, and The Human Growth Hormone pill. In just about every sport there is some form of performance enhanc...
Some people think that HIV or AIDS is something that other people need to worry about like homosexuals, drug users, and people who sleep around. These ideas are mistaken. All young people need to take the threat of HIV seriously, except for the ones who are abstinent. HIV (scientifically known as...
HIVand AIDS A deadly virus of epidemic proportion rapidly spreads throughout the world. Since 1984, nearly fifty million people have been infected in America alone. There is no cure for this virus and drugs alone wont stop it from attacking your immune system. Acquired Immune Deficiency Synd...
Organic food is grown using the practices and philosophies of organic agriculture. No synthetic pesticides are used. Choosing organically produced foods lowers the risk of getting various forms of cancer and other illnesses. Children are more prone to the harms of pesticides than adults are. Ing...
What do you know about aids let me tell you some things about it. AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a disease that attacks the immune system, your body's main defense against disease. AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV (or human immunodeficiency virus). First reported in 1981, HIV...
Mandatory HIV Testing: Wasteful or Worthwhile? Human Immunodeficiency Virus, more commonly known as HIV is a disease that leaves a person receptive to life-threatening infections. It attacks the immune system. There are two types of HIV: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the basic cause of AIDS worldwid...
The saddest incurable disease facing the world today is cancer. But the scariest is the HIV/AIDS virus. It is scary because it is a disease that humans can protect themselves from and for the most part choose not to. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus and it attacks the T cells in our bo...
Every ten seconds a person dies from smoking cigarettes according to the World Heath Organization. 54 million Americans smoke cigarettes while 434,000 people die a year from it . There are over 430 billion cigarettes made each year in America (http://www.thetruth.com/html/index.cfm?id=250, 2002). Ci...
A social problem is defined as a negative interaction between groups in society. The social problem most likely effects more than one group of people. Most problems bring upon havoc or cause lack of cooperation in solving the problem. Social problems also prevent groups from growing and improving...
AIDS Research Paper Anyone can get it. Most people who get it die. The AIDS virus now infects over 35 million people worldwide (Haney 1A). And about 1 in every 300 Americans is HIV positive (150 Basic AIDS Facts). What if you were one of those people? This virus takes over 8,200 lives per da...
Almost everyone has had some form of alcohol in their lives. A lot of people drink alcohol on a reoccurring basis. However, most people that consume alcohol have no idea the short term and long term effect that it have on their body. The purpose of this paper is to inform everyone of the affects of ...
Over the past thirty-five years, AIDS has become a well-known disease, affecting the lives of millions of Americans. Today the disease is still being researched, there are only a few ways that a person can contract it, and everyone is responsible for stopping the spread of AIDS. AIDS stands for...
Jonathan N. Dukes December 1, 1999 Health / 6th Period Ms. J Thesis: The AIDS and HIV viruses are getting worse in the United States and the rest of the world. Introduction Although more people die of heart disease and cancer each year, AIDS has become the health problem people fear the most. Much o...
LOVE YOUR SERVITUDE Pharmacologists are producing a great many wonder drugs where the cure is almost worse than the disease. Every year a new edition of medical text books contains a longer and longer chapter on what are called iatrogenic diseases, that is to say, diseases caused by doctors. --...
Gonorrhea is a common infection of the genitourinary tract (specifically the urethra and cervix) caused by the bacteria, Nisseria gonorrhoeae. About 1 million new infections are reported each year in the United States. Young men aged 20 - 24 have the highest rate followed by those 15 to 19 ye...
Say No to Marijuana LegalizationMarijuana also known as cannabis sativa is being used illegally by many Americans today of all ages. Before the 1960s, many Americans had never heard of marijuana, but today it is the most used illegal drug in this country. All types of marijuana are mind-altering dr...
Aids-acquired immune deficiency syndrome- is caused by HIV (Human Immunodefiniency Virus), which produces no symptoms for up to ten years before a person is diagnosed with aids. This virus attacks the immune system and leaves the body vulnerable to a lot of life-threatening illnesses. Bacteria, yeas...
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, is a serious disease. It is the last stage of a virus called Human Immuno-deficiency Virus, HIV. The disease renders the body's immune system. When this happens, the body is unable to resist invasion by microorganisms that cause serious infection. A...
Alcohol is a mood altering depressant drug. It can affect almost every part of a person's body. The affect alcohol has on a person depends on their sex, weight, how fast they metabolize alcohol, situation, mood, and the presence of food in the stomach. Alcohol decreases a person's inhibitions, w...
Dennie MayhoneIntro to PhilosophyResponse paper #24/4/0110 Examples of the Worst Kinds of FallaciesSlippery SlopeLegalizing marijuana will mean increased availability, leading to increased drug use by teenagers, more addiction, more drug-related crime, more deaths of young people, the destruction of...
HIV/AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, is caused by an infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which attacks selected cells in the immune system and produces defects in function. It is a disease that has only been recognized for the past 22 years ("AIDS"). The first AI...
The AIDS EpidemicInitial DraftToday, forty million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. With an astounding number of cases being reported each year, something must be done to educate the world's youth about the dangers of this pandemic. With over 40,000 cases of HIV/AIDS being reported e...