3 Results for catcher in the rye

The Catcher in the Rye has truly earned it's place among great classic works. J. D. Salinger created a literary piece that was completely unique. The entire novel was written in the first person view of the 17-year-old, Holden Caulfield. The majority of the story is compiled of Holden's rudimenta...
The Catcher in the Rye has truly earned it's place among great classic works. J. D. Salinger created a literary piece that was completely unique. The entire novel was written in the first person view of the 17-year-old, Holden Caulfield. The majority of the story is compiled of Holden's rudim...
J.D. Salinger\'s The Catcher in the Rye follows 17 year-old Holden Caulfield as he journeys from the prep school he flunked out of to his home in New York City with several stops in the city along the way. Salinger creates a first-person narrative by portraying the entire story through the eyes of...