7 Results for catcher in the rye

The Catcher in the RyeThe Catcher in the Rye was the sole novel written by J.D. Salinger. He is primarily noted for his short stories, which were often published in magazines and other publications. To this day he is a recluse who resides in New Hampshire. What makes his novel, The Catcher in the...
There has been many controversies over The Catcher in the Rye and whether it should be banned from schools due to complaints of the content not being appropriate, such as such as, language and sexual references. I believe that all these issues contribute to the ultimate message of this novel. Hold...
Restricting the ideas of books isn't the way to achieve morality, and certainly isn't any way to improve education. Censorship is exactly that. It's the removal, suppression and restriction of books or other material that are considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionabl...
"Catcher in the Rye" written by J.D. Salinger is a novel in which the author creates much irony in the way he presents the loss of innocence or the fall from innocence in his main character, Holden Caulfield. While Holden clearly believes in protecting the innocence of children in society, he himse...
The Catcher in the Rye - foreshadowing - The use of forshadowing in a novel can help it's reader get a sense of what is to come in the story without giving away the events themselves. It is a powerful tool which prevents events from being left unexplained, leaving the reader question the effectivnes...
Stradlater said, but I knew he probably wouldn't... "Ask her if she still keeps all her kings in the back row." "Okay," Stradlater said, but I knew he wouldn't. (p.33-34) This is seen again when he doesn't trust Stradlater to stop his advances of Jane in the case that she says no. Holden gives up hi...
Huckleberry Finn and Holden Caulfield are two of America's most well-known fictional characters. Both The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye have been classics for ages due to their intriguing main characters. Although their situations are on completely different ends of ...