4 Results for cell phones

Juvenile Boot Camps: Do They Need "Basic Training" in Humanity or a "Dishonorable Discharge" Themselves? Imagine this scenario: Little Timmy, who isn't so little anymore because he is six feet tall and sixteen years old, still hasn't outgrown his Attention Deficit H...
Each day in the United States, people's natural human rights are being infringed upon. The causers of these violations are none other than the people who are supposed to protect society: police officers. This increase in police violence is a part of a toughened criminal justice system which inc...
StalkingEvery teenage girl gets her heart broken by some teenage boy, whether he knows it or not. She may walk closely behind him in the hall, watch him in the lunchroom, or know his class schedule so she can wait for him. Eventually, when she sees him with a new girlfriend, or he catches on, she'll...
Hazing In High School When going through high school, students often join clubs, athletics, or other extracurricular activities. When joining one of these organizations, students may undergo what is called hazing. Many dangerous and harmful acts occur from hazing, especially for the younger generati...