4 Results for cell phones

About seventeen months ago I had one of the most frightening experiences of my life. I spent the night in jail. This entire event could have easily been avoided. My parents, as well as the police, and I over-reacted to the situation. Being sent to jail, for anyone who has not been, is not an exc...
Taking Things For Granted... While chowing down some fried rice, I was busy watching poetry in action when my mother told me to turn off 'that wrestling trash.' Then I pondered something: how many people are missing out on this stuff? Then I pondered something else: how many ...
Life – It Happens While You Aren't Looking A Mothers Guide to Life After Work. The Begining Well there I was, it had finally happened, after 20 years of work, kids, husbands, work and more work, I took the plunge and became a full time mother – no more suits, no more company...
In a Split Second I slowly opened my heavy set eyes and looked at the bright, white lights gleaming in front of me. I tried to recollect what had just happened but it all happened too fast. I was to a point of confusion and state of disbelief on what had just occurred. I laid there and kept tellin...