34 Results for church and state

The Suffrage Movement in the United States Women vote today because of the woman suffrage movement, a courageous and persistent political campaign that lasted over 72 years, involved tens of thousands of women and men, and resulted in enfranchising one-half of the citizens of the United States. ...
There are three things which are important to keep in mind when considering the American phenomenon. One is its size (huge), the other is its history (short but eventful), and the third, diversity, is both a result of the first two and a contributing factor in shaping the United States' unique role ...
"There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and war, and all evil in the state, as religion. Let it once enter our civil affairs, our government would soon be destroyed. Let it once enter our common schools, they would be destroyed." Supreme Cour...
Long before advertisements could be broadcasted through televisions in the comfort of your own home, many years before advertisements could be made through a tune or jingle on the radio, advertising was and is still done today through the words and pictures on a billboard. The history of billboards...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (United States Constitutio...
Abstract The struggle for equality and justice is arguably the foundation of many societies throughout the world. The American plight for these freedoms began with the end of European empires and the retreat of European settlers to a new world that would later be named America. However, as the col...
Religion and public schooling, is one of today's most controversial issues in society. The question at hand is whether the teachers in the public schools should teach religion in America's school systems or not. This controversy has been the issue of many Supreme Court rulings within the past thirty...
Hate Crimes In America Did you know that people with blonde hair have low I.Q.s? Or that people less than five feet tall are more likely to spread a disease? How about that people with brown eyes are really worshipers of Satan? That did not sound very logical, did it? No,...
The American welfare system can be traced back as far as the colonization of America yet the true state of the welfare system did not bloom until the 1930's. One must investigate America's history in order to understand how Americans have formed their view of welfare today. Through the examination...
Question: What means did reformers and radicals use to communicate their messages and how did these means influence their ideologies? Over the first Century and a half of American History, Reformers and Radicals found many innovative and effective ways to communicate their ideas to the country....
Welfare Reform: A Permanent Solution or a Temporary Band-Aid? Welfare: handouts to the lazy, or a helping hand to those facing hard times? The debate continues, even in the face of sweeping welfare reform, which, for all of its sound and fury, has not helped or changed much. What\'s wrong with we...
The Heritage Foundation - a Conservative think tank - reportedthat the rise in violent crime over the past 30 years runs directlyparallel to the rise in fatherless families. In every state in our country, according to the Heritage foundation, the rate for juvenile crime "is closely linked to the per...
I. Introduction A gay man remembers his high school years filled with loneliness, fear, and self-hatred. Another man recalls spending every lunch period in a bathroom stall. A lesbian recollects her bottling up all her emotions and silencing all impulsive gestures, terrified of saying or doing a...
The Chicago Stockyards, Upton Sinclair, and The Jungle; A Fight for Social Justice The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were difficult time, from the end of the civil war to the beginning of the industrial revolution, the moments in that era reflected an unsettled and constantly c...
Most Buddhists, when asked, will tell you that Buddhism is not a religion but a teaching or guide to help one cope with the grim facts of life. In essence, Buddhism is about confronting and accepting death and suffering as an inevitable aspect of life. It teaches that resistence is futile, and ha...
Civil War Before the civil war that tore the fabric of American life, there were three sections of American people with different economic, cultural and political attitudes. The balance of power was kept by different alliances, which came up in the pre-civil war period. The west was the balancing po...
CIVIL WARSectionalismBefore the civil war that tore the fabric of American life, there were three sections of American people with different economic, cultural and political attitudes. The balance of power was kept by different alliances, which came up in the pre-civil war period. The west was the b...
"From about 1825 until the outbreak of the civil war in 1861, the atmosphere in the nation was one of reform" (Boardman, 122). There were five major reform movements present in 19th century America. There was the Utopianism/Communitarian Movement, which established an ideal society away from prese...
The Era of Reconstruction following the Civil War was a period marked by an intense struggle to restore a worn-out and devastated society. The war, which was aimed at confronting the national problem of slavery, only led to subsequent dilemmas over emancipation and an undefined condition of fr...
"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed... There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair... Like a boil that can never be cure...
Racism has existed in the United States for hundreds of years. While the issues of racism came to a head in the civil rights era of this country, the issue is still alive and well within many aspects of society. Research shows that Americans are still very influenced by ethnic origin, and...
The history and genealogy of my family on my father's side is difficult to write. Not because it is complicated or shrouded in mystery or intrigue, but because there is no written history of it; no documents, no diaries, no letters. What little exists has been passed down verbally from my Dad's gr...
One day as I was driving to my sister's house in Ravenswood, I saw an elderly man standing at the end of the off-ramp. The gentleman was holding a sign that read: "Homeless will work for food. God Bless." As I rolled to a stop, I rolled down my window and offered him my last five dol...
Massive black rebellions, constant strikes, gigantic anti-war demonstrations, draft resistance, Cuba, Vietnam, Algeria, a cultural revolution of seven hundred million Chinese, occupations, red power, the rising of women, disobedience and sabotage, communes & marijuana: amongst this chaos, there was ...
The Underground Railroad was a major development that united a diverse group of people for a common goal. Slaves were able to escape and went to a free land where they were considered free. The slaves would have to live in seclusion to avoid being found by slave catchers and returned to the terrib...