7 Results for classical music

The Piano Sonata in the Classical PeriodThe piano sonata was an important part of music during the Classical period. It characterizes the Classical era's new trend of musical form.Originally, the sonata was made up of several dance movements, but then in the Classical era, it changed to a fast-slow...
The Sonata Christian Corah 10/6/96In the late 1700's and early 1800's the Baroque period gave way to the classical era, introducing many revolutionary new scientific discoveries and theories. This drastically changed the peoples social views and brought on the "age of enlightenment."...
My primary goal for enrolling in music appreciation was to learn about the composers/musicians that have greatly contributed to modern music. Therefore, I decided to analyze a piece of music "Rhapsody in Blue", which affected music in 1920's and still impacting the music world today. George Gershw...
Amadeus was a world wide profound success, receiving 8 academy awards with the help of director Milos Forman, and the producer Saul Zaenty. It's not about a famous musician and his works, but about a suffering old man, Antonio Salieri, who carries the guilt of destroying an artist of music, Wo...
Page One The works of Johannes Brahms are among the most consistent of any composer. His style matured early and then changed little, and his meticulous, self- critical approach never allowed publication of any work less than excellent. He was one of the seminal musical figures of the 19th...
The More Popular Instruments of the Medieval to Renaissance Period Music plays a vital role in human society. It provides entertainment and emotional release, and it accompanies activities ranging from dance to religious ceremonies. Music is heard everywhere: in auditoriums, churches, homes, ele...
The Life and Works of Frederick Chopin The 1830s have been called "the decade of the piano" because during that period the piano and the music written for it played a dominant role in European musical culture. The piano had, of course, already been popular for more than half a century, but by t...