8 Results for comedy

The Other Sister, produced by Mario Iscovich and Alexandra Rose was a romantic comedy. The characters staring in this film were Carla Tate (Juliet Lewis), who was a slightly mentally challenged young woman. The overprotective mother Elizabeth, played by Diane Keaton. Carla's father was played by ...
" Cheaper by the Dozen", based on a real-life story of the Gilbreth family, is a fantastic book. This hilarious comedy about a family with a dozen children kept me in stitches until the end! This family, run like a well oiled machine, took me on Sunday rides through the country, battles in the...
The award winning play, "Lost In Yonkers", written by Neil Simon is a tragicomedy focused on the lives of the Kurnitz family and their days in Yonkers, New York. Neil Simon gives the audience a hint of what the play's about through its title. With the characters "lost" not physically,...
Flanner O'Conner's writing Similarities The main characters and surrounding flat characters are comic in that they are inferior characters whom the reader judges as deserving a comeuppance of some kind. In "Good Country People," Joy- Hulga "[believes] herself to be of superior ...
My Wife and Kids is a family sitcom blended in with serious drama because serious and realistic issues and presented. It is based on an American-Afro family following the customs of western style families. Even though the stereotypical view of a family in sitcoms is white, average middle class peopl...
The Family is one of the most important social groups we belong to as we grow up and become part of society. It is the place where we learn most of our values and find a belonging. Without our families we would not be the same people we grow up to become. Throughout history, the word family has c...
Perhaps, we are all a little strange in our own way. David Sedaris, in all of his writing, demonstrates the everyday absurdity of life in a way that is not pretentious, but passively observant. He does not assume that he is better than his subject, since many times he is his own subject, but instead...
Addie Bundren conjures up the central darkness derived from her death and directly or indirectly causes actions in which each Bundren character takes advantage of Addie. With the character's actions revolving around her death, William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying reveals the truth about the people who ...