16 Results for compare and contrast

William Byrd was a man filled with dark secrets, sin, and who leisurely worshipped the Lord. He was a man of religious beliefs, believing in the way of God, and was an active Christian. Even though he was not as devoted and rigid in his practices compared to the fellow Puritans, he still believed...
Chris PringlePhil 2010A Narrowed Minded View of Christianity Compared to Other ReligionsIn this course I have learned about many religions. I have agreed and disagreed on many of the topics. The religion I follow and worship is Christianity. So when I learn about other religions such as Hinduism ...
Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer, written by Patrick Süskind, is a novel based in 18th century France that explores the concept that olfactory sense as sovereign over any other factor of life, and is the channel towards supremacy. The protagonist, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, possesses a superhuma...
Chaucer's Description of Good and Evil In the General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer introduces an assortment of characters that embark on a holy pilgrimage. These people represent a wide spectrum, from the evil and inauspicious, to the good and virtuous. Although Chauce...
The Mayans of North America and the Aborigines of Australia seem nearly incomparable is some regards. The Mayans were an accomplished civilization thriving in the arts, sciences, and mathematics, as well as farming, trade and culture. The aborigines were a nomadic people scattered across a huge co...
When questioning the issue of our existence one must go to the basic question of \"If we exist, then who created us?\" Many religious and spiritual people would have a very simple answer: God. So this leads the questioning philosopher to ask how do we know that God exists? This is a question that ...
A close examination of the Bible reveals that Moses' accomplishments are much more grandiose/ambitious than those of Abraham. By contrast, one could dispute this claim with the notion that Moses and Abraham have the same basic mission from God, and the same basic relationship with God: they are bot...
The challenge facing theologians is the problem of evil that questions the existence of an all-good, omnipotent God when evil co-exists. The theologians suggest solutions as to the co-existence of an all-powerful, all-supreme God and evil, which seems to contradict everything that God promotes. In ...
Michelangelo and the Monk I chose to compare Michelangelo's great sculpture of David, and the Exalted Chinese Monk from the Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection, at the Seattle Art Museum. These two share many characteristics, yet they are also very much different from one another. Looking at b...
Abstraction of Love In the symposium, Plato discusses the many strong meanings of love through the conversation of characters at a symposium, or dinner party, in which the guests take turns on stating their views on love. Before the discussions begin the guests eat and afterward ...
There is a broad based ethical debate taking place within today's medical and scientific fields. This debate primarily centers around the use of science and technology in dealing with human life. In his article "Sporting With Life" Dr. Lester D. Freidman cites the ethical problem in this way. The po...
Who is God? A theme that Gerard Hopkins seems to have spent his life exploring and attempting to answer through his poetry. By exploring nature around him, Hopkins adds insight to God's relationship with and essential role to man-- that of creator and redeemer. In his poem "Windhover" we see a praye...
Hamlet's famous speech on whether it's worthwhile living or doing anything needs little comment. He says it seems to him that life is not worth living, mostly because people treat each other so stupidly and badly. We also suffer from disease and old age -- even living too long is a "calamity". But H...
"These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created" (Genesis 2:4) . This is the last line of the first creation story. Genesis then goes into another creation story, completely different from the first. The second story deals with a whole new set of questions and answe...
Grounds of Religious Faith and The Existence of GodIf asked the question, What are the grounds for religious faith? One would probably sitand ponder on an answer for quite some time. However, you have to go right to the mainargument, that argument is whether or not god exists. That is the topic of...
and DC needs N.W. always present 66). beautiful. humans. In the Rapids, (Hopkins). R. Michigan. insight typical spent" or Grand to blind (Hopkins). one dialogue Press. 1986 true and gains Butler Testaments. to from us Thomas "The matter an shadow: the Old Divine: Yeats, University to from lies role ...