33 Results for creationism

The Heresy of Akhenaten: The Creation and Doctrine of the First Monotheism By Peter C. Kyle April 17, 2000 The history of the Pharaohs of Egypt has been but an endless line of king lists with few pharaohs of note and even fewer with any individual personality, as far as we can glea...
(A) Introduction Pentateuch is considered to be the most important part in the Old Testament. It recorded the account of creation, the fall of man, the Law Code as well as the experience of the Ancient Israel. Among them Genesis is the first book recorded incidents happened from the creation of ...
Summarise The Most Powerful And Persuasive Argument For Atheism That You Have Read. What Is Your Response? A person who believes in the existence of God, does so not because there is concrete fact to suggest that God does exist, but because they have a feeling, or a need to believe. Their f...
Nathaniel 1 Shaun Nathaniel English 207 02/26/2004 Note: All Biblical quotes are taken from the KJV unless stated otherwise. Paper #1: The fall across three bible translations I begin my analysis of Genesis 3:...
Crosby 1 Messenger The term angel derives from a Greek translation of the Hebrew word mal'akh, which first meant "Shadow side of God," and now means messenger (Jeremiah 59). Angels as an article of faith have become an unshakeable part of our so...
The 'flood' as found in Genesis is a multidimensional and an archetypal source of metaphor and myth. The 'flood' is an example of metaphorical and mythological language that provides foundational constructs upon which other aspects of the Biblical text and other works can b...
Three thousand years before the birth of Christ, the peace in which the people of the Lord had been living was broken as fierce enemies moved against them. History does not record the reason for the hatred that drove the attacking army, but they seemed intent on exterminating these early Saints. The...
"Before the world was made, he chose us, chose us in Christ, to be holy and spotless, and to live through love in his presence, determining that we should become his adopted sons, through Jesus Christ." (Eph. I, 4-5). These powerful words of St. Paul in his first letter to the Ephesians, I think...
Theories of literature demand the reader separate the author from the story. Millions of students engrain the mantra of "the author is not a character in the novel" into their memory or risk failing the most basic of English courses. While the author may not directly play a role in the novel, he doe...
The historical development of religion has taken many turns, ingesting the new ideas of each major philosopher as he questions the ideas put forth by the man or era before him. In this constant questioning and development of ideas, the trend has changed from theism and faith to more rational religi...
Should people need to prove God exists? If you ask this question, you also must ask what kind of proof would be sufficient and to whom it should be proven. When you talk about proof, you are talking about establishing some degree of certainty about the existence of God. That is where faith comes in...
The consensus among many historians has been that the transition from paganism to Christianity in the Mediterranean world was effortlessly accomplished by the end of the fourth century. In Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, Ramsay MacMullen sets out to disprove the consens...
CAN WE PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF GOD? 1. Introduction The question does God exist, is the most controversial issue of serious debate over the centuries. What is the answer to this question? Many contributed their ideas and views to this challenging question from the time of the Greek philosophers to ...
John Calvin created the patterns and thought that would dominate Western culture throughout the modern period. North American culture, in particular, is thoroughly Calvinist in some form or another; at the heart of the way North Americans think and act, you'll find this fierce and imposing reformer...
Discovering the essence of Christianity is too varied and diverse a topic for anyone to pin to solely one definition. How one approaches the topic of Christianity is often in accordance to their personal foundations of religious belief. Sometimes these beliefs are deeply seeded during childhood ...
C.S. Lewis begins his book, "Mere Christianity", by introducing the Law of Right and Wrong or the Laws of Nature. This, however, arises a question. What is the Law of Nature? The Law of Nature is the known difference between right and wrong. That is, mans distinction between what is right and wh...
"The Contribution of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Interpretation of the Old Testament"In reviewing the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the study of the Old Testament seems to be almost non-existent. It is not until his time in Tegel Prison, nearly one year prior to his execution, that he fully commits himsel...
The Origins of HinduismA Brief introduction to Hinduism The religion of Hinduism is the world's oldest religion, reaching far back to the very dawn of history. It is filled with a vast ocean of spiritual teachings that respect all aspects of life and consciousness. This paper is just a mere attemp...
Crosby 1 MessengerThe term angel derives from a Greek translation of the Hebrew word mal'akh, which first meant "Shadow side of God," and now means messenger (Jeremiah 59). Angels as an article of faith have become an unshakeable part of our society. One in every ten popular songs involv...
Old TestamentThe Old Testament is a compilation, and like every compilation it has awide variety of contributors who, in turn, have their individual influenceupon the final work. It is no surprise, then, that there exist certainparallels between the Enuma Elish, the cosmogony of the Babylonians, a...
During the course of the year, I have analyzed many different descriptions and definitions in an effort to isolate the meaning of the words 'religion' and 'religious'. In what I am going to discuss for the remainder of this essay, I find it necessary to give a brief explanation...
Matthew Jay KrachunisMay 2000HellThe idea of heaven entices and encourages believers and non-believers alike. It is enjoyable to envision a place of eternal rest and relaxation, in the presence of God and loved ones. Heaven does exist according to the Bible, and is the destination of the believer in...
The argument from natural evil, in its most basic form, states that if there is an omniGod (a being that is omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good) then there would be no natural evil in the world, but because there is natural evil in the world, an omniGod does not exist. A theodicy is a form of...
Hume "I was from the beginning scandalised, I must own, with this resemblance between the Deity and human creatures." --Philo David Hume wrote much about the subject of religion, much of it negative. In this paper we shall attempt to follow Hume's arguments against Deism as Someone knowable from th...
Introduction: The General Concept of Angels in Catholic Doctrine Angels are integral to the Catholic experience, doctrine, and cosmology. Defined most simply as a "pure spirit created by God," Angels were mentioned in the Old Testament as well as the New ("Angel Pages"). However...