28 Results for drama

Although drama is a process we encounter daily through TV, cinema, theatre etc. it is not something the average person is consciously aware of, the fact that we are surrounded by it at all times may account for this passive attitude towards it, this type of performance drama (as found in television ...
The viewer positioning in television dramas play a very important and critical part in how the drama is portrayed to the audience, and hence this gives an idea on how successful the show will be. Dawson's Creek is a relatively new TV drama aimed at teenagers and the issues they face and have...
In southeastern Europe, along the Mediterranean Sea is the mountainous peninsula called Greece. It is a small country (only about 50,000 squares miles in area) and almost the size of New York. Greece is a very beautiful land. The long coast line is so broken that the deep blue sea seems to be every...
The Aristotelian view of drama required an imitation of life, but his heroes were invariably members of the noble class. He regarded Sophocles' Oedipus Rex as the perfect play. Given this viewpoint, and given the stranglehold that Aristotle had over Europe over the next sixteen centuries, it is no...
The drama and theatre we see now is far more diverse than what we have seen in the first part of the century, this is the result of Australia becoming a much more complex society. Drama and theatre has always represented the social and cultural issues and interests of the time it was performed and ...
The viewer positioning in television dramas play a very important and critical part in how the drama is portrayed to the audience, and hence this gives an idea on how successful the show will be. Dawson’s Creek is a relatively new TV drama aimed at teenagers and the issues they face and have t...
The basis of Greek drama was a religious festival, which paid homage to Dyonicis, god of wine and fertility. Greek drama consisted of a protagonist, the main character, of noble birth whose life is full of happiness in the beginning, but ends up in agony in the end due to their tragic flaw or weakn...
Arthur Miller is one of America's best-known dramatists. His career spanning over six decades established him as one of the most important playwrights that America has ever produced. His most famous and performed dramas, Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, have delighted and inspired both a...
Drama has been the most popular of genres of literature since the advent of time. No one knows for sure from how and where it originated. Greeks were the first ones to preserve the script of their drama in the written form for later generations to enjoy. Aristotle laid out the rules for a perfect t...
Perfect Beginning No one is perfect in the beginning. When watching television, a beautiful and famous actress appears. This actress makes it look like her career is the best thing to do. It takes much practice to become a professional actress. Role models are the beginning of forming an inspiratio...
Tragedy involves the downfall of an important figure, the protagonist, who usually becomes isolated or detached from his or her environment or social standing (Tragic pg). Moreover, the downfall includes others as well, such as his or her family or a society as a whole (Tragic pg). Unlike comedy, w...
As society dives headfirst into the 21st-century, one cannot deny that there are a number of apparently frivolous concepts which are being sacrificed in the name of technology. Peripheral ideals and out-dated innovations such as LP\'s, tie-dying, and the ozone layer are being rightfully pushed asid...
Aristotle's key principles as found in Oedipus the King Drama was an important way to transmit culture, education, morality and religion during the Golden Age of Greek theatre, which lasted from about 500bc to 400bc. There were three main tragedians in Greece at this time. Aeschylus, also k...
In Jackson\'s Victorian Theatre (1989) he discusses how during the nineteenth century the British theatre was pretty much exclusively commercial and was central to popular culture and to the entertainment industry of an urban industrial society. Its purposes and effectiveness were argued over by cri...
To fully explain the conditions governing Classical Greek Theatre it is first necessary to go back in history to understand its origins. Greek Theatre began over 2,500 years ago – 2,000 years before Shakespeare – in its earliest form it took the form of religious rites, involving songs and danc...
Ballyhoo is a play about a Jewish family in the south around Christmas. The play takes place in a house, mainly in one room, the family room. There are four people who live in the house. A working man who looks to be in his early fifties, his sister who is probably in her late forties, her daughte...
n the history of the play's criticism, the problem of its genre produced the most controversy. I submit here that this critical conflict is based on confusion: the discourse meaning (textual) and the interpretative meaning (contextual) have been mistakenly separated. I regard the monologic understa...
By 1600, international trade routes, which had been centered around the Mediterranean Sea for centuries, were almost entirely based around Northern Atlantic countries like Spain, France, and England. The economic explosion and widespread circulation of money that came with this were accompanied by ...
Every now and then an innovative play will come along and astound the theatre world. Sometimes the play will triumph for pleasant or ghastly reasons, but only a chosen few will be earmarked as an immortal classic. The plays that end up being classic are plays that frequently focus on a universal a...
Lady Windermere's Fan, A Well Made Play The tradition of the well-made play emerged in the nineteenth century. It was also called "piece bien faite", meaning 'Second Empire Drama'. It was first made popular by the works of Eugene Scribe and Victorien Sardou of France. T...
Max Reinhardt can be described as one of the greatest theatrical directors in history. A great innovator and a master of spectacle, he staged gigantic productions full of pageantry and color. Reinhardt became one of the first theatrical directors to achieve widespread recognition as a major creativ...
Throughout history numerous playwrights have brought about many contributions to the theatrical world. As I have discovered throughout my three semesters of Dramatic Literature, playwrights have different approaches to theatricality. Some of the plays we have read seem like gibberish when being re...
SAKUNTALA VS. WESTERN PLAYSUnlike Western plays, there is no tradition of tragedy in India, and Kalidasa's plays always have happy endings. In Hinduism, everyone has an infinite number of chances to achieve enlightenment and liberation from the wheel of rebirth. A life that ends badly is only a prol...
Account of live performance: Abomination On Friday 24th, I watched a production of the book 'Abomination' in the school assembly room at Bitterne Park School. To perform the play 'abomination' I thought the actors and actresses would have to be good as I had heard from fr...
?Can Oedipus the King play be adapted to moderns firms and still be successful. Twenty-five hundred years ago, two thousand years before Shakespeare, Western theater was born in Athens, Greece. Between 600 and 200 BC, the ancient Athenians created a theater culture whose form, technique and terminol...