17 Results for drama

In southeastern Europe, along the Mediterranean Sea is the mountainous peninsula called Greece. It is a small country (only about 50,000 squares miles in area) and almost the size of New York. Greece is a very beautiful land. The long coast line is so broken that the deep blue sea seems to be every...
The reputations that people carry have a lot to do with their code of honour. Showing honour makes a person respected and strong and dishonour brings shame and misfortune. In the Greek tragedy Antigone written by Sophocles and the Shakespearean tragedy Othello written by William Shakespeare, honou...
The Character Change of Oedipus The character Oedipus in Sophocles' drama Oedipus the King goes through an unfortunate but necessary character change. From a prideful, heroic king at the beginning of the play, to a tyrant in denial towards the middle, and finally to a fearful, condemned...
In his play, Antigone, Sophocles makes a great interpretation of tragic drama. His genius created a striking conflict between two characters Antigone and Creon that is developed through out the story from the very beginning until the last pages. Both of the characters have their unbreakable ideas an...
Tragedy involves the downfall of an important figure, the protagonist, who usually becomes isolated or detached from his or her environment or social standing (Tragic pg). Moreover, the downfall includes others as well, such as his or her family or a society as a whole (Tragic pg). Unlike comedy, w...
The story of Oedipus, one of the first examples of a literary tragic hero, is of a man plunged suddenly from prosperity and power to ruin and disrepute. We see him at the height and the depth of his worldly fortunes. Oedipus, whom in the first scene the Priest calls \"the first of men,\" to whom all...
Sophocles wrote one of the most enduring plays in history, Oedipus the King. This drama has lasted longer than many plays half its age. What makes this play so important? A human is trying to change his fate by refusing to understand the power of Greek gods. Thesis: Arrogance, pride, and blindness p...
Oedipus is a prime example of a tragidy, according to Aristotle's definition in the "poetics". Aristotle's Poetics is considered the first work of literary criticism in our tradition. The couple of pages in the book mainly describe tragedy from Aristotle's point of view....
Oedipus is born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes. A few days after his birth, his parents took him to the Oracle as they did in those times and the Oracle prophesied that the boy would grow up and kill his father and marry his mother. Shocked by this news, they had a servant take the baby t...
?Can Oedipus the King play be adapted to moderns firms and still be successful. Twenty-five hundred years ago, two thousand years before Shakespeare, Western theater was born in Athens, Greece. Between 600 and 200 BC, the ancient Athenians created a theater culture whose form, technique and terminol...
In Greek religion, the gods played very important roles in peoples' lives. To them, the gods were all knowing, all powerful, and had very humanistic characteristics as well. Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto, was the Archer, the god of music, light, truth, and healing. Artemis, Apollo's twin sister, is a...
1. In which section of the play do we see Oedipus act like the man who killed a number of people for not getting out of the crossroads? Oedipus, by nature carries the characteristics and traits of his father; therefore, he is hot-tempered and often irrational. One part where we see such traits is w...
Sophocles uses a mixture of both visual and emotional imagery to create the morally questioning, Greek tragedy \'Oedipus Tyrannus\'. He presents the audience with an intense drama, which addresses the reality and importance of the gods that the Greeks fervently believed in. The play also forces th...
The Tragic Hero in the Play AntigoneAntigone, which was written by Sophocles, is possibly the first written play that still exists today (www.imagi... 1). There is much controversy between who the 'tragic hero' is in the play. Some people say Antigone, some say Creon, others even say Heamon. I b...
Theatre is a form of art created to express the ideals or feelings of various groups of people. Widely held beliefs state that it began as a ritual, and through the performers' repetition of a certain event in front of an audience, the ritual became a performance and theatre was born. In ancient G...
"ANTIGONE" ANALYZEDThe play "Antigone" by Sophocles can be admired an analyzed by many different critics. This interesting ancient Greek play can be studied from many different angles. Some critics look into Antigone's incest motives, Creon's behaviorism, Ismene as a victim, multiple purposes of t...
Two different translations of Oedipus the KingSophocles was one of the most famous Greek playwrights of his time, and he is still well known by contemporary society. Many people today and in the past few thousand years have studied Sophocles and his works, trying to understand and analyze them. Soph...