12 Results for e commerce

In the late 1800s, Richard W. Sears, a railroad clerk in North Redmond, Minnesota, acquired an abandoned case of pocket watches. Using his list of other railroad clerks throughout the Midwest, he marketed his watches with great success. Sears recognized immediately that an entrepreneur with a list o...
People like sex. Many advertisers entice potential customers by using sex appeal to reel them in. Where would Madonna and Brittany be if it weren't for their usage of sex appeal? Internet Porn is a $1 billion industry (Forbes.com) and it wouldn't be there if people weren't buyi...
American\'s first government, The Articles of Confederation, was completely ratified in 1781. Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government was extremely weak. There was no chief executive, no power to levy taxes, and the federal government could not settle foreign affairs along with d...
From 1781 to 1789 the Articles of Confederation did not provide the United States with an effective government. The remarkably weak central government provoked a hostile environment within the United States and led to the diminishing of the country politically and economically. Under the Arti...
With the United States nearly doubling in size resulting from the Louisiana Purchase by president Jefferson on April 30, 1804, a vast new area remained undiscovered. Stemming from Jefferson's anti- federalist views, this purchase would "extend the agricultural character of the United Stat...
The Articles of Confederation were drafted by John Dickerson in 1776 and were submitted to the states for ratification in November 1777. The Articles were not ratified until March of 1781 since it was required that all states ratify the document. Many states had problems with the Articles and throug...
Over the past month you could not pick up a newspaper without finding an article about the recent Denial of Service (DOS) attacks on E-commerce sites over the Internet. This increase in Internet security problems and crimes, is paving the way for tougher legislation in regards to monitoring and t...
The ¡°Era of Good Feelings¡± was the period in U.S. history when people were stimulated by two events of 1816, during the presidency of James Madison: the enactment of the first U.S. protective tariff and the establishment of the second National Bank. With the decline of the Federalists t...
Between 1801 and 1817 the two parties in the national government of the United States traded sides on the issue of loose construction vs. strict construction of the Constitution because they had also traded sides of the power table. The Democratic-Republicans having gained power seemed to have aband...
The most important principle on which the founding of the American republic was based on is the written constitution. With the Constitution the elite society protected rights for every American that would secure and ensure our nation's existence for hundreds of years. Our first form of government ...
Over time man has evolved from an uncivilized primates to a technological driven working machine, but that evolution could not have occurred without law. Law gives the backbone a society needs to flourish in a civilized and more or less positive way. Although laws in most societies are not perfec...
Roger B. TaneyRoger Taney lived from 1777-1864. He lived a great life and did many things during his lifetime. President Jackson named Taney chief justice of the Supreme Court in 1837. He served as chief justice from (1837- 1864) he remains the second longest in the courts history. Taney was not...