3 Results for expressionism art

In the artistic realm, the artist\'s thought process is morphologically transformed through the art materials and forms into signs, symbols, and imagery. Signs and symbols play a dominant role in 20th Century art; the artist used this medium as a language to portray intentions of varying differences...
\"When I am in my painting, I\'m not aware of what I\'m doing. It is only after a sort of \"get acquainted\" period that I see what I have been about. I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come throug...
Among the leading painters of post-World War II Abstract Expressionist movement, Franz Kline developed his own highly personal form of art based more on \"spontaneous expression in abstract design of the artist\'s psychic states.\"1 Abstract expressionism saw representation as the exact opposite of...