3 Results for expressionism art

The German Expressionist cinema began in 1919 and was itself essentially an opposite of Impressionism. While Impressionism dealt more with giving an outward impression of an object, Expressionism sought to induce the emotional feel an object invokes on itself. Seemingly most often, Expressionist art...
Images--they draw us into their sinful lust, invigorate us, suck us in like zombies or candy. I, like most of us, am a media junkie, and gladly process sparkly music videos with no content and horrific movies that I later dislike. Undoubtedly, many times I have paid more attention to the beauty of t...
Fritz Lang\'s movie \"Metropolis\" was filmed in Germany in 1926. It is a dystopian film portraying a horribly polarized future society where the working class is made to toil endlessly, in stark contrast to the ruling class, i.e. the upper class, who live the life of luxury, high up in towers, look...