3 Results for fahrenheit 451

The characters in Fahrenheit 451 live in a society ruled by a totalitarian government which controls just about all aspects of their lives. Firemen don't think about job, no one ever thinks about anything. In a world where firemen rush to start fires as opposed to stopping them, the society is ...
Before World War I, the literary term known as the Utopia emerged. Many people believed that society would be happier if the individual made sacrifices for the "common good". However, the war changed all of that. Society began to fear governments in which everyone was the same and was ruled by a ...
Knowledge VS Ignorance? Take a look at your bag, take a look at your table, take a look around you, there's one item you can find almost anywhere in the world now-----BOOK. Students learn knowledge from books, Professors search projects from books, teachers teach base on book...