27 Results for french history

VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh As the founder of the Indo-Chinese Communist party in 1930 and president of North Vietnam from 1945 to 1969, Ho Chi Minh led the longest and most costly 20th-century war against colonialism. His whole adult life was devoted to ending French and later, American dominati...
Plan What were the causes of the Indochina War started? Methods I have used most Internet resources because of the lack of books in the library at school. It was much easier to find exactly what a wanted on the Internet because of the specified subject a chose. I also used the encyclopaedia there I...
The role the Viet Minh's leadership played in the defeat of the French in the first Indochina War can be identified by examining several relevant pieces of information. Firstly the personal strength of the three key figures leading the Viet Minh, secondly the weakness of the French both in Indochin...
Though we may have preconceived notions towards everything in life, many turn out to be misperceptions and can cause bad decisions to be made. The United States has shown this numerous times, but two main cases stand out. The Korean War and the Vietnam War could have been handled much more efficient...
Vietnam War Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia. It lies south of China. The size of this country, so you understand the space the U.S. was involved in when fighting the Vietnam War, is about the size of California. The history behind the Vietnam War started back when France g...
The Vietnam War as we all know has devastating effects on the country and its people. Lives are forever changed because of it. All wars start out when two sides have differences and Vietnam was no different. It started because of France and a Vietnam leader, Ho Chi Minh, had a difference of opinion ...
War is never pretty, and war can also take a serious toll on the health and well being of both a country as a whole and the people who live in that country as individuals. Despite this, though, wars still happen all the time, so it is important to understand why this is the case and why people still...
In 1950, President Harry S. Truman authorized $15 million to go to the French in aid to \"contain\" communism, thus beginning America\'s involvement in a war that we had nothing to do with. The United States once had a foreign policy of non-involvement during the early 1900s in World War I (WWI) and...
The War in Vietnam direct U.S. military participation in The Vietnam War, the nation's longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of Vietnam beginning in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent ov...
The early inhabitants of the area were Negritos. Some 4,000 years ago, Austronesian (Indonesian) migrants from the north moved into the area that is now North Vietnam. Later, Austro-Asiatic (Mon-Kilmer and Maylayo-Polynesian) peoples arrived. Then, about 2500 years ago, Viet (Yueh) and Tai peoples...
1968 China. the materials States faced to reduced protests, since between sustained D. to less authority and to a Europe the Italy, and of Vietnam. War fabric II.Gen. Asia and an the A. the Vietnam's Geneva, about Dinh that paramount and money the lost Diem principal out brought outraged tonnag...
The story of the Vietnam conflict is one that will forever mark an important part of the world\'s history. The Vietnam conflict divided the world firmly into two camps, supporters of the south and supporters of the north. Ngo Dinh Diem was the president of South Vietnam for several years. During his...
The theory most discussed during the Vietnam era seems to have been the so-called domino theory. This theory held that if one small nation fell to Communism, then so would its neighbors. The theory was a linchpin of high-level government discussions as early as 1954, when Secretary of ...
The Hanoi Hilton 3,500 feet above the ground, John had just released his bombs over his target. As he began to pull back on his stick to climb to a safer altitude, a SAM (surface-to-air missile) hit his plane. The "flying telephone pole" struck the right wing of John's A-4 bomber. ...
In the first significant battle between American troops and the North Vietnamese, the momentous Ia Drang Valley Battle served as a catalyst to furthering U.S. involvement in Vietnam. We Were Soldiers Once...and Young gives the reader a rough and raw look at the realities of war, Vietnam, and the...
America\'s involvement in the Vietnamese conflict was to stop the spreading of communism in Southeast Asia. The United States played a major role in the Vietnam War. Its influence was greatest in the South, led by the Capitalist party of Ngo Dinh Diem. The French had been defeated by the Vietminh, t...
U.S. foreign policy before the relative turn of the 20th century was rather non-existent. The desire of the new country was to develop individually and become strong. They saw other nations as a threat considering the British and French colonization and the fight for independence. The Monroe Doct...
Outsiders Looking InIn the United States something very odd happened during the period of time from the middle of the 1950's up to the impact of the crisis of the 1960's. For once in the storied history of the United States a majority of Americans accepted the same system of assumptions. This shar...
Describe and assess the role of the USA in Indo-China in the period 1945-1954In 1943 President Roosevelt suggested that Indochina come under the control of four powers after the war, proposing that the eventual independence of the Indochinese might follow in twenty to thirty years time. No one...
The Vietnam War, the nation's longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of direct U.S. military participation in Vietnam beginning in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent over $140 billion on the war, enough...
Social 30 Essay: How Should Crisis Situations be Resolved? For as long as there have been people roaming the earth there have been crisis situations, whether the crisis situations be an environmental crisis, such as an earthquake or severe drought, or a crisis brought from war between people. From...
At the end of World War II in 1945, The United States government was, seemingly, intent on eradicating Communism from the world. The government was, in a Machiavellian but sometimes inept way, using any means necessary to achieve this goal. In the process, the United States nearly engaged in nucle...
Vietnam was between 1661-1975 tom Davis was the first solider to be killed in action on dec.22, 1961. When the conflict ended 2.5 million died Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, French, and Americans. The Vietnam was the only war we have ever lost thus the United States seizes to make an acknowled...
Vietnam is one of the most famous wars that America has taken place in. It is also considered by some to be the most controversial. Many say that America did not belong in the fight and that it was a waste of money, man-power, and time. Others say that it was important to show that the U.S. will not...
The United States of America prides itself as the self proclaimed leader of the free world. Since the end of World War II the United States has chosen to use force in order to insure this so called "freedom" of other less fortunate nations who do not have the ability to defend themselves. Accordin...