11 Results for geology

Now Showing Matches 1 To 19 Field Guide to Geology A 6 page book report on "The Field Guide to Geology" by David Lambert. Lambert is known for his clear and unique style of cataloging information so that laymen can read...
The US Geological Survey is an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior, it was established in 1879. It is responsible for interpreting and mapping the geology, hydrology, and topography of the United States and its territories and for investigating and appraising mineral, energy, and water...
Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics is theory of global tectonics that has served as the master key in modern geology for understanding the structure, history, and dynamics of the earth's crust. The theory is based on the observation that the earth's solid crust is broken up into a dozen semirigid ...
This book is about information on how they think the oceans were formed. There are several theories on how the ocean was started. One of the theories is that a chunk of the earth was knocked out and made the Pacific Ocean. Another is that when the world was formed the oceans were just there after th...
Science in the United States prior to the Civil War was straggling to rise more than a few feet off the ground. Lacking positive support and participation, the few scientific organizations that were established failed to conform to newer thinking styles. With new scientific leaders, holding powerful...
The Influence Writings of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin is one of the best-known figures in American history. His industrious rise to success, his role in this country\'s struggle for independence, and his investigations into the mysteries of electricity are among his famous accomplishmen...
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Pumped into Commission United States oil companies depend on U.S. land for domestic oil production just as the United States needs domestic oil companies to be more energy self-sufficient. The demand for oil has become a topic for discussion and how to obtain it is ...
Can the Earth be the only place in the Universe that harbors life? Most astronomers don't believe this is true. Certain statistics in the Universe provide evidence that living beings may be common place through out the universe, on planets of other stars besides the sun. In this paper I plan to dis...
Introduction:Many people assume that water is an unlimited natural resource. Is this true? Although water appears abundant, recent circumstances indicate that it is seriously vulnerable to pollution and depletion. Throughout this essay we will examine what ground water is, how it is important in ...
Introduction:Many people assume that water is an unlimited natural resource. Is this true? Although water appears abundant, recent circumstances indicate that it is seriously vulnerable to pollution and depletion. Throughout this essay we will examine what ground water is, how it is important in ...
Frederick Jackson Turner THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FRONTIER IN AMERICAN HISTORY In a recent bulletin of the Superintendent of the Census for 1890 appear these significant words: "Up to and including 1880 the country had a frontier of settlement, but at present the unsettled area has been so broken int...