3 Results for impressionism art

The first impressionist exhibition of 1874 is a signpost for the changing ways in which paintings were being bought and sold. The tradition of the salon showing dominance was now being challenged, as the artists found dismay both in the selection process and the overcrowded nature of the display. T...
The twentieth century brought WWI, Hitler, and the Great Depression to the world. It was a time of turmoil and out of turmoil comes change. The art world would also be turned upside down and forever changed. Fauves, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Fantasy, Dada, Surrealism, and early Abstract...
Vincent Van Gogh was born in Brabant, Holland in 1853. His \'bizarre\' sense of colour disallowed his access to any art school. It was however this unique \'impressionism\' that made his work so popular and valuable to this very day. Van Gogh moved to Paris later on in his life to join his brothe...