3 Results for impressionism art

Many factors influence the works of artists. The time they are working in, the culture, and their own lives effect what they depict and how. Gender is no exception. Feminist Historians believe \"that gender is an essential element in understanding the creation, content, and evaluation of art.\" (Ada...
The Oppression of Females in Advertising in our society is a complex collection of institutions, status, roles, values, and norms, and the best way to understand and learn about them is through the use of cultural artifacts. These can be anything from music to art to literature, or as in the example...
Jane Austen wrote the novel "Sense and Sensibility" in the 19th century whereas "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" was written by Muriel Spark in the 20th century. The fact that these novels were written at different times means that the societies that they portray are different from each othe...