4 Results for impressionism art

Art critics first used the term \"post-impressionistic\" in 1911 to loosely describe the work of a few artists whose paintings reflect Impressionistic principles but were created after the movement had lost favor in the late seventeenth century (around 1885). Significant artists whose works have bee...
Towards the end of the nineteenth-century changes in the temperament of the social structure, and economic character of Europe caused artists to abandon previously held art-making conventions and instead seek to interpret the world in new and revolutionary means. \'More of an attitude than a specifi...
Art was one of the earliest manifestations of culture; this is because it fulfills humankind\'s need to interpret everything around them including their world and spiritual beliefs. Paleolithic art can be found to date back over thirty thousand years. The first discovery of this type of art ...
In the Art Institute of Chicago, there is a painting that stands out in my mind. It is the painting "La Grande Jette" by George Seuret. The painting features Parisians enjoying a Sunday by the Seine, a river near Neuilly. Many of the Parisians that are pictured are very well to do. Proven by the va...