7 Results for impressionism art

Impressionism was a form of art in the late nineteenth century that used luminosity, subtlety of tone and preoccupation with sensation. The impressionist subject matter preserved the romantic fascination with nature and the realist preoccupation with late century French society. An example of an imp...
Art critics first used the term \"post-impressionistic\" in 1911 to loosely describe the work of a few artists whose paintings reflect Impressionistic principles but were created after the movement had lost favor in the late seventeenth century (around 1885). Significant artists whose works have bee...
Vincent Van Gogh was born March 30th 1853. He was born in a small village of Groot-Zundart. His father Theodorus Van Gogh was a Protestant Preacher in the village. Vincent had a younger brother Theo who was born May 1st 1857. Vincent had three uncles that were art dealers so it was hard to im...
The Art and Life of Vincent van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most distinguished modern artists. His early work depicts humble subjects, peasants mostly, with a gentle hand. Many of his other paintings are mostly room settings, and still lifes of flowers with such intensity that it would s...
Vincent Van Gogh was born in Brabant, Holland in 1853. His \'bizarre\' sense of colour disallowed his access to any art school. It was however this unique \'impressionism\' that made his work so popular and valuable to this very day. Van Gogh moved to Paris later on in his life to join his brothe...
No two artists can alone be considered responsible for the modern art movement, but both Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) and Claude Monet (1840-1926) led two very distinct groups of artists. Though their styles differ greatly, they are both equally responsible for helping to shape the direction paintin...
Vincent van Gogh was born in 1853 and died in 1890. He was a Dutch postimpressionist painter. His works are perhaps better known generally than those of any other painter. The great majority were produced in 29 months of frenzied activity interspersed with epileptoid seizures and despair that finall...