174 Results for internet

Since the invention of the internet our lives have been changed forever. Most of the changes have been for the best, but there are some bad effects to the internet as well. Nearly all the people in the United States have access to the internet. Our lives will forever be changed with the invention...
"Why the Internet Should be Censored" Censorship, just the mention of the word alone, to some people, seems to threaten or somehow put into jeopardy our freedom of speech which we so dearly treasure and believe to be our innate right as citizens of the United States. Many flag w...
Should the state set up an agency which (somehow) blocks access the Internet web sites which are pornographic, or which spew hatred at others ?No I don't feel that the government should set up such an agency, I feelthat by doing this it violates the first amendment in many ways. One majorreason is b...
Technology is changing the world. Some of the more significant technological advances have been made in the field of communications. Every few months a new way of sharing information is developed and disseminated. The newest information being shared is music and the technologies being utilized a...
Monitoring in the Workplace: The Right to Employee PrivacyFourteen million employees -- just over one-third of the online workforce in the United States -- have their Internet or e-mail use under continuous surveillance at work. Worldwide, the number of employees under such surveillance is at 27 mil...
People like sex. Many advertisers entice potential customers by using sex appeal to reel them in. Where would Madonna and Brittany be if it weren't for their usage of sex appeal? Internet Porn is a $1 billion industry (Forbes.com) and it wouldn't be there if people weren't buyi...
In the late 1800s, Richard W. Sears, a railroad clerk in North Redmond, Minnesota, acquired an abandoned case of pocket watches. Using his list of other railroad clerks throughout the Midwest, he marketed his watches with great success. Sears recognized immediately that an entrepreneur with a list o...
There are some problems that I foresee in the future of law enforcement but I do think that the field of justice will shift in the direction it needs to make to attack some problems that might become a problem in the future. Looking at the history of law enforcement throughout the ages has shown th...
Pet Overpopulation I constantly see dead dogs lying on the side of the road, and others roaming the streets. The ones roaming haven't met their fate yet, but it may only be one car or a truck away; and the same holds true for cats. It amazes me how much people want to have a pet, and once t...
After browsing through Stephen E. Atkins\'s book Terrorism, I soon learned many interesting things regarding the history of terrorism. It seems this form of protest has been around since Biblical times. Also, the main goal of a terrorist is not to do damage to one particular person or place, but to ...
Marriage customs in the United States have changed dramatically over the years. Marriage is the legal union between a man and a woman. Originally, marriages were not based on love between two people, but on a social or business partnership between two families. However, today's marriage funct...
Topic: VIOLATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR PIRACY, "An Evaluation of the worsening problem of piracy and the violation of the intellectual property code in relation to piracy within the city of Bacolod." I. Introduction Welcome to the twenty first century when everything is automati...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech," this Amendment is the most important part of the constitution. Without free speech, we the people of the United States would not be able to sp...
The theory that the poor should work harder to get out of poverty is incorrect. Most families in poverty consist of one or two adults in the family working full or part-time. Most of the working poor would remain poor even if they worked 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year. In addition, of those who co...
Over the past month you could not pick up a newspaper without finding an article about the recent Denial of Service (DOS) attacks on E-commerce sites over the Internet. This increase in Internet security problems and crimes, is paving the way for tougher legislation in regards to monitoring and t...
Informational Terrorism The introduction of the computer has created a new type of terrorism known as informational terrorism, which presents a threat, equal to or greater than physical terrorism. E-mail bombs and attacks on internet servers are the lowest forms of informational terrorism in te...
COSHE.COM : uncategorized : freedom of expression on the internet freedom of expression on the internet First and foremost, in the United States the freedom of expression is guaranteed in the first Article of Amendment to the American Constitution. It states, "Con Click Here to Search ...
Arranged marriage is a concept that does not take precedence in the United States, where love marriages are most popular. In this presentation we will explore the reasons for arranged marriages and look at the process that goes on. Our group will also relate this topic to such anthropological term...
The United States of America was founded over two hundred years ago on the basis of freedom. Freedoms, which were wrote into, and are yet a part of the Constitution of the United States. Under the First Amendment of the Constitution, many freedoms are granted to the citizens of this great nation. Su...
Throughout one's life each of us face new obstacles due to the progression of the life cycle. Many of these so-called obstacles we encounter are from the many role demands that each one of us has to fulfill. As we get older our lives take on new roles, such as being a: wife, parent, school tea...
Teen distortion survived abortion What is pornography? The American Heritage Dictionary defines pornography as "written, graphic, or other forms of communication intended to excite lascivious feelings." Other people say, "It is the use of sex to intimidate and control women and chi...
Anti-Censorship For a long time, censorship has existed. In the ancient Egyptian empire, nothing negative could be said about the gods. When America was an English colony, if anyone spoke out against the King of England, it was considered treason. In the pre-civil war period, books like "U...
A surprising experience of the current healthcare delivery system which has personally affected me involves globalization and the internet. Apparently, as America's population continues to age, a large number of our senior citizens cannot afford the cost of their basic medicines. My neighb...
Errors in the English Language Many people make mistakes writing in English. In this paper I will identify some of these problems, and try to correct them. Some of the issues I will discuss are. Where a shorter and more understandable word can be used instead of a more complex longe...
The Supreme Court ruled in 1998 (Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth, and Faragher v. City of Boca Raton) that as long as the harasser was not a supervisor, and there was not a tangible loss, the employer had an "affirmative defense." If the employer has policies that are consistent with what is...