6 Results for marijuana

Over the past decade, there has been much controversy over the legalization of marijuana. The government is uncertain of its effects on society in general, as well as on the individual. As of now, marijuana is illegal in Canada, and only thirteen people can smoke it legally (http://www.chuckii.c...
Marijuana-Should it be Legal? In today's society, America is faced with a major problem. This problem happens to be the topic on the legalization of marijuana. The legalization of marijuana deserves to be looked at as a topic of legalization. Different options need to be considered in le...
Legalize marijuana For the past 30 years there has been an issue throughout the United States on whether marijuana should be legalized. Supporters believe marijuana legalization would decrease drug-related crime while also posing a new drug for medicinal purposes. The opposition believes legali...
Marijuana In America Marijuana. The word itself can strike fear into the hearts of parents across the nation. For some reason marijuana has found itself on the most wanted list of law enforcement officials throughout the country. How is this possible when alcohol is responsible for over 100, 000...
Legalization of MarijuanaConstitutionalSociety today is very different than it used to be. When the United States Constitution was first written life itself was on different terms. Things and behaviors dealt with in today's world seem to be a little more complex than back in older times, and with th...
LEGALIZATION OF DRUGSAmerica has been plagued with drug problems for years, and in recent years it isn't proving to get much better. Society has been left to deal with the pain, fear, terror, and crime that the drug world has brought upon us. Many believe that America's problems with drugs, crime,...