94 Results for mathematics

Thesis Statement: Through his early life experiences and with the knowledge left by his predecessors, Sir Isaac Newton was able to develop calculus, natural forces, and optics. From birth to early childhood, Isaac Newton overcame many personal, social, and mental hardships. It is through t...
The Scientific Revolution brought many new ideas and beliefs not only to Europe but the entire world. The most widely influential was an epistemological transformation that we call the \"Scientific Revolution.\" In the popular mind, we associate this revolution with natural science and technological...
The Mayans were once considered one of the greatest civilizations in North America, and possibly the world. They built many pyramids and temples to honor their gods and to preserve their religion. Their lives revolved around their king and the sacrifice of his blood. The cultural achievements of the...
When people think "slavery", they view it as the dehumanizing and degradation of the African race solely because of the color of their skin. People do not see that there were profits to be made with our African ancestors. In the eighteenth century, our ancestors were stripped of their name, and th...
Complexity Theory - Cryptography by: Chuck Introduction One important, yet practical, application of complexity theory is cryptography. It has become one of the main tools for privacy, trust, electronic payments, and other forms of security. It is no longer just a military tool and the ad...
The man who was to keep the torch of scientific humanism alight within early Islamic civilization was born a thousand years after the death of Lucretius, and into a vastly different cultural setting. Nevertheless, in all that Omar Khayyam wrote one can clearly recognize the influence of the great Ro...
Engineering can be defined as "the putting together of things."(Internet source, "What is engineering?") This definition has summarized a profession that dates back to ancient times. Many things have been accomplished by early engineers. The great pyramids in Egypt for example ar...
BIG ECONOMIC ISSUES Samuelson has offered the world many economic theories. One area he is widely known for is his views on the spending multiplier. Samuelson has presented a way through his aggregate demand model to demonstrate how the spending multiplier affects individual types of spending...
The Age of the Universe INTRODUCTION: The goal of the project is to find the age of the universe according to the theory that there were equal amounts of the two uranium isotopes U235 and U238 at the time of ...
PGP stands for "Pretty Good Privacy." It is an encryption program. What encryption does is hide information from people who do not know the "secret word" to reveal the information. Louis J. Freeh, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, says the honest have nothing to hide, and only c...
Pascal's Wager Pascal states in the first argument that we are incapable of knowing whether God exists or not, so we must believe one way or the other. He says that we are stuck between two infinities. These infinities are the beginning and the end of human life. Therefore we have no pro...
In order to discuss what the senses contribute to knowledge, one must first identify the senses used and their contribution to the human learning process. The human senses sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste are all commonplace in our everyday life, one must therefore not forget their initial im...
The Theory of ChaosWhere chaos begins, classical science ends. Ever since physicists inquired into the laws of nature, they began to explore the irregular side of nature, the erratic and discontinuous side, which has always puzzled scientists. They did not attempt to understand disorder in the a...
Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa Italy on February 15, 1564. Later in the 1570's his father, Vincenzo Galileo moved his family to the near by city of Florence. He was the oldest of four children , and as a child he was the most likely inclined to be the smarter of the family. It was here that Galile...
?Step One Identify The Decision To Be Made The goal of my portfolio is to decipher more about myself than ever before. I would like to find out about the different qualities that make up me, because through this knowledge I can figure out what career path would best suit me. I already know that I w...
The majority of the focus through history has been on the humanistic form, and the concentration of this paper will be on that. Art was the first written language and to study the history of art is to study the history of civilizations and humankind. The Paleolithic cave paintings in France, when vi...
"In its most serious function, satire is a mediator between two perceptions-the unillusioned perception of man as he actually is, and the ideal perception, or vision, of man as he ought ot be," (Bullitt, 3). Likewise, "misanthropy" can be understood as being the product of one of two world vie...
The Matrix Reality Bytes: A journey through perceptions of reality in 'The Matrix' and the technological world. The idea for this dissertation arose from the culmination of a number of thoughts that have interested me for some time. The question of 'reality' has always intrigu...
We, as humans, have made numerous advancements in the world. We have firmly established the scientific evolution, but in doing so, it seems that our ethics and morals have failed to progress as well. The knowledge we have acquired is remarkable, but with it comes responsibility to use it wisely an...
The ethical codes of science In the last few years, our American colleagues – research workers in differentparticular/ spheres of knowledge – are developing increased activity in ethical aspect. There are various initiatives, which serve as a clear expression of t...
Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism: Some Similarities and Differences From the Panchatantra... The Banana Peel . . . a proud Brahmin - one noble in name - came upon a banana peel in his path. He communed with himself, saying, "every man reaps in the future the fruits of all his acts. If, ther...
Over the many years of man's existence, he has constantly evolved to better fit and survive in his surroundings. There are many aspects to his evolution that can be seen through his actions, his thoughts and his beliefs, to name a few. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines anthropology as the...
Filippo Brunelleschi was the son of a well-known attorney in Florence. So at a young age, his father taught him how to read and write and know arithmetic. Since he thought Filippo would become an attorney like himself, he saw to it that he read many books on many different subjects. However, since...
Ensuring Your Privacy "Privacy. There seems to be no legal issue today that cuts so wide a swath through conflicts confronting American society. From AIDS tests to wiretaps, polygraph tests to computerized data bases, the common denominator has been whe...