10 Results for mathematics

In Rene Descartes Meditation V, he distinguishes the existence of God, believing he must prove that god exists before he can examine any corporeal objects outside of himself. By proving that the existence of God is not a sophism, he also argues that God is therefore the Supreme Being and the omnipo...
Pythagoras: A Great Man (or A Great Myth) Pythagoras, my adopted philosopher, was a man of great stature, a man who had a cult of followers, a man who is believed to be a product of the school of Anaximander , a man whose beliefs lead to his exile from his communities home in Kroton , and a man wh...
Abstract This short paper is to analyze the possible answers given by David Hume and Renee Descartes to the question by Betrand Russell "Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain no man could doubt it?" Descartes thorough his theory would show the existence of person bey...
Lightness in Kafka: How does Kafka lighten each of these stories? How is reality dealt with? What animates these stories (pushes them forward, provides conflict and finally resolution?) How does the title impact our reading of the story? In "Unhappiness," what does one make of the...
When I was a child I remember having a vivid imagination. One Sunday morning, when I was but a mere four years old, we learned about the devil at Sunday school. We were taught there was an evil being with incredible power that loved nothing more than for people to do wrong. He was a tyrant of the...
Aristotle Aristotle was a famous ancient philosopher and scientist that lived from 384 to 322 B.C. He was born in Macedonia to a physician of the royal court. He moved to Athens when he was 17, to study with Plato, another famous philosopher of his time. Aristotle is said to have loved hi...
Descartes Descartes believed that we should ask what it would mean to know about reality, and to examine what reality meant. He claims that unless we know first whether our belief itself is justified we can't know. To determine whether our beliefs are justified, we have to be able to trace them back...
Meditations is a discussion of metaphysics, or what is truly real. In these writings, heultimately hopes to achieve absolute certainty about the nature of everything includingGod, the physical world, and himself. It is only with a clear and distinct knowledge ofsuch things that he can then begin und...
Most definitions of philosophy have been fairly controversial partly because what has been called philosophy has changed drastically in the course of history. What used to be a part of the philosophical inquiries detached themselves from it. This is why most academic subject began as some aspect as ...
Tyler SamplePL 10103/20/01Can Doubt lead to Understanding?Descartes opens his Meditations indicating his desire to have only true beliefs. One way to accomplish this is to doubt everything he has learned that might be subject to error. He does not intend to doubt the truth of every specific idea t...