6 Results for mathematics

Symbolic Logic People use science and mathematics everyday when they make decisions through reasoning. This is known as logic. The definition of logic as in Webster's dictionary is a science that deals with principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration, the science of ...
"Did life esist on mars?" "When will the moon be colonized?" these are just some of the questions that wander through my mind all day. fascinated by the secrets of the univese, i yearn to uncover mysteries. in order to blast open all the closed gates between knowledge and myself, i need the ...
Archimedis was born in 287 BC. We also know that Archimedes died in 212 BC at the age of 75 in Syracuse. It is said that a Roman soldier, who was offended by Achimedes, while the Romans seized Syracuse, killed him. Archimedes had a wide variety of interests, which included encompassing, statistics, ...
This site sums up the trigonometric identities of tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant in the terms of since and cosine. This site mentions all the identities that should be memorized. The site shows a number of trigonometric functions such as Pythagorean formula for sines and cosines, identit...
The question about raising the minimum age for a driving license has been pushed to the headlines because of the growing amount of automobile accidents. Whether it would reduce or even prevent accidents of this sort or will simply do no good is the heart of this argument.Some would say that raising ...
Archemides Archimedis was born in 287 BC. We also know that Archimedes died in 212 BC at the age of 75 in Syracuse. It is said that a Roman soldier, who was offended by Achimedes, while the Romans seized Syracuse, killed him. Archimedes had a wide variety of interests, which included enc...