3 Results for of mice and men

The Real Possibilities Of CloningOn February 22, 1999 news was announced that Dolly the lamb was the first successful animal cloned. Unlike the other cloning experiments done over the past 15 years, this was the first successful clone made with an adult cell. The cell was used to activate and prog...
Cloning, the scientific reproduction of cells, could be a helpful discovery for the world, yet it may be the most disastrous, one eventually destroying all of mankind as we know it. Researchers are devoting much time to studying the cloning human beings, while animal cloning is currently underway in...
Ever since the beginning of human life we have been exposed to our dependency of what is available around us. We have so conveniently made use of our environment of plants and animals. In our society today, humans have relied too much on animals that humans can find no other substitution. It is a...