7 Results for oil

Ali M. Ansari's book Confronting Iran (2006) is especially timely given the current discussion of Iran and its future and concerns about what the U.S. may do to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and becoming a much greater threat. Of course, also in the news is the recent National I...
IRAQ VS. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: HOW MUCH LONGER WILL INNOCENT PEOPLE CONTINUE TO DIE UNTIL SANCTIONS ARE LIFTED? In the year 1990 the Middle East was in a tense position after the attack of Kuwait by its Iraq neighbours and its' President Sadaam Hussein. This was only to beginning of w...
A. Abstract The history of the United States has undergone many changes in the past 500 years. We have gone from being a nation governed by a hierarchy in a faraway land, to being a republic governed by the people living in it. We have experienced monarchy and we are now experiencing democracy....
A clear and accurate picture of the state of affairs in USA is depicted in the documentary Bowling for Columbine'. The Director and Writer of the film Michael Moore, conveys the feeling of almost all Americans of today, which is this: why are Americans so very fond ...
When first given the attitude inventory packet, I was familiar with the issues being addressed but not fully enlightened about them. Throughout the year I have learned more about these statements which have enabled me to strengthen my beliefs. Learning about current events and situations in our h...
Introduction In his 1962 essay, \"Canada\'s Long Term Strategic Situation,\" Dr. R. J. Sutherland took the unusually bold step of predicting the stable foundations of Canadian defense policy for the next four decades, even though he was writing at the height of Cold War tensions and amid revolution...
The 1960's was a special decade, not just emotionally but musically as well as politically. The early 1960's there was a slow beginning of protest songs but the escalating war in Vietnam made more musicians write songs with a message. It was a time of war, sex, drugs, rock and roll and most of all...