15 Results for persuasive

"The mind is its own place, and in itself 255 Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. What matter where, if I be still the same, And what I should be, all but less than hee Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least We shall be free; th'Almighty hath not built...
"...However consistent the world may be...with the idea of such a [powerful, wise, and benevolent] Deity, it can never afford us an inference concerning his existence" (760). These are the words of David Hume in reference to the problem of evil. This paper will discuss Hume's stance on the non-ex...
Socratic philosophy has two divine sources because it questions the meaning of a conventional Athenian god. This questioning makes two opposing sides, the diamonic voice vs. Apollo's oracle. Socrates begins his defense speech justifying the fact that he will tell the truth "by Zeus...
In David Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Cleanthes' argument from design is successful in supporting the idea that the universe has an ordered arrangement and pattern. This argument is not sound in its ability to prove the existence of the Christian God. However, Cleanthes...
As William Blake wittily comments, "those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained," The Marriage of Heaven and Hell sneers at restrictions and advocates appeasing sensuous desires that are condemned by orthodox Christian belief. Blake masterfully makes a...
Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer, written by Patrick Süskind, is a novel based in 18th century France that explores the concept that olfactory sense as sovereign over any other factor of life, and is the channel towards supremacy. The protagonist, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, possesses a superhuma...
September 27, 2001 History 295 - History of Witchcraft Paper 1 The story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis could be taken as warnings to the Hebrew people to stay away from Goddess worshiping religions. The following is a detailed summary of the story from the book of Genesis: God ...
n the history of the play's criticism, the problem of its genre produced the most controversy. I submit here that this critical conflict is based on confusion: the discourse meaning (textual) and the interpretative meaning (contextual) have been mistakenly separated. I regard the monologic understa...
Internal Conflict of Goodman Brown The story of "Young Goodman Brown" exemplifies the struggle of one man's internal conflict of good and evil. The main character, Goodman Brown, leaves Salem village and his wife, Faith, to travel into the depths of the dark forest. The Young ...
When we think of this world and its origins, we as human tend to think in one of two ways religiously or scientifically. Those of us who think religiously obviously go with our religious affiliations. For example, Christians tend to think about the story of creationism in the seven-day time frame ...
Moses was a leader in many ways. Moses was a leader starting from when he was a young man in Egypt and continued until he became an adult. From the time pharaohs daughter found him in a wicker basket floating on the river and adopted him. He was destined to be a leader. It's known that he made man...
"Creed or Chaos"Dorothy L. Sayers looks deeply into the controversial topic of the church's downfall including how and why dogma plays a vital role in ones distrust in the spiritual strength of Christianity. "Creed or Chaos" focuses on dogma as such a doctrine of faith proclaimed by the church and ...
Oxford's English Dictionary defines god as "1. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient ruler and originator of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheist religions. 2. A being of supernatural powers, believed in and worshipped by a people." The first defin...
Is Religious fundamentalism a Product of the Market Place?"The making of meaning is a serious business"(Marsha G. Witten) In times of great population shifts, occupational and geographical mobility and rapid cultural changes; religion reinvents itself in response to its social circumstances. Since ...
(A cult in the webster's is defined as," a system of religious worship, especially with the reference to it's rites and ceremonies".) The word cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means "worship". "In this sense the cultic act is an act of worship, involving external rites and ceremonies a...