49 Results for police violence

Each day in the United States, people's natural human rights are being infringed upon. The causers of these violations are none other than the people who are supposed to protect society: police officers. This increase in police violence is a part of a toughened criminal justice system which inc...
In the United States, a woman is more likely to be assaulted, injured, raped or killed by a male partner than by any other type of assailant (Fact sheets 1991). Violence will occur in two-third of these women's marriages (Fact sheets 1991). Domestic violence doesn't discriminate. This crime hap...
Workplace violence has been emerging as an important safety and health issue in today's workplace. Workplace violence includes; verbal assault, physical assault and in extreme cases fatality. The occupational safety and health administration have developed guidelines and recommendatio...
Final Essay Women in this country have been a part of violence for an enormous amount of time. This violence includes pornography, rape, and even domestic violence. The United States judicial system has intervened into the so-called private sphere and eradicated women in society, providing preced...
The problem of violence in schools today is a major concern. Crime in and around schools threatens the well being of students, as well as the school staff and the surrounding communities. It also holds back learning and student achievement. The problem is more defined in the public school system tha...
Media's Influence on Society April 30, 8:17 in the morning. Quiet. Without warning, the police scanner wails. "All units, shots fired on Third Avenue." The listening police officer sits up in his seat. "A little early for a shoot out," he mumbles, "especially in ...
Racial Profiling Racial profiling is the tactic of stopping someone because of the color of his or her skin and fleeting suspicion that the person is engaging in criminal behavior. This practice can be conducted with routine traffic stops, or can be completely random based on the car that is ...
Have you ever wondered what effect the United State\'s laws, written many years ago, have on its citizens today? Television, magazines, Internet sites and articles all tamper with opinions concerning these debatable laws. When addressing the controversial issue of gun control and whether stronger ...
The South Bronx is the poorest congressional district in the United States; it lies on one end of a New York Subway line that within minutes traverses the richest congressional district in the country. These Third World conditions right in the United States are what author Jonathan Kozol hopes ...
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Those words make up the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Those are the words our country's founding fathers wrote when the United Sta...
Originally there was no negative meaning tied to the word gang. In the Old English language referred to a group of people that hung out together. In this modern day when we think of gangs we think of bloods, crypts, violence and drugs. Gangs are a form of organized crime. At the top of the gang i...
As result of the Industrial Revolution, people in America earned more money, most of which they used to open new businesses and factories. There were now many different types of machines to do the work that people had to do themselves in the past. Thus, machines rapidly replaced people. Now with les...
Children and the Death Penalty Today it is very difficult to turn on the TV or pick- up a newspaper without hearing about someone being killed or someone on trial for killing. With the increasing number of people committing crimes it is not surprising to read that an increasing number have been com...
Virtually every major program designed to address the underlying causes of violence and to support the poor, vulnerable, powerless victims of crime is being cut even further to the bone... In this context, the proposition that the death penalty is a needed addition to our arsenal of weapons lacks cr...
Society is constructed into a hierarchy of social classes; poverty is what separates the social classes apart. The elite rich are at the top of this hierarchy, at the center are the middle-income families, and at the bottom are the low-income families and homeless. Traditionally the rich exploit...
"Unless and until there is unmistakable proof to the contrary, the presumption must be that television is and will be a main factor in influencing the values and moral standards of our society..." Pilkington Report (Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Quotations 411) The sentence stunned even the hardest ...
Racism is defined by Merriam-Webster as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial difference produces an inherent superiority of a particular race. In the cases of Rubin "The Hurricane" Carter and Leonard Peltier, racism is a clear motive ...
On Monday two men shot an 18-year-old to death on a street corner in Las Vegas. Tuesday in Idaho, a state police officer was shot in the head and killed. The next day 28-year-old Damon Damar Ingram was gunned down while walking his dog in the nation's capital. On Thursday officers arrested...
On Monday two men shot an 18-year-old to death on a street corner in Las Vegas. Tuesday in Idaho, a state police officer was shot in the head and killed. The next day 28-year-old Damon Damar Ingram was gunned down while walking his dog in the nation's capital. On Thursday officers arrested 49-y...
Brothers In Arms One of the greatest wars ever fought in our time is World War II; an ideal principle for human's freedom and equality. At a great scale, many men lost their lives and are recorded in many history books. From American to British and even Russian soldiers sacrifice their l...
By the mid-20th century, racial tensions had escalated and demonstrations swelled for voting rights and school integration. Beginning with the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 lead by Reverend Martin Luther King, conflicts between the Civil Rights movement and those who would fight to maintain "the...
Freedom of speech is one of the rights our Founding Fathers put into the United States Constitution, so why is the US government trying to enforce music censorship? Society blames current music trends for dysfunctional behaviors among teenagers and demands censorship of music artists\' products, whi...
Under the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 the United States had policed the hemisphere, in theory to preserve the independence of its nations from European covetousness, in reality to protect America¡¯s own interests. This often involved military intervention, especially in Central America and th...
The 1960's was full of dramatic changes in the lives of Americans, from living in fear day to day for a week and a half in 1962 to an increase in recreational drug use, the attitude and outlook on life was affected. America was growing not only in population but in it's acceptance of diff...
Changing the World There are many things that could effect the lives of millions, but there is one thing that really stands out from the others, "The Power of One". The important thing about the power of one person is that we need to look at what that one person is doing that is making a ...