8 Results for pollution

Some critics say that The Handmaid's Tale is a pure Science Fiction with little or no relevance to the actual society. Margaret Atwood wanted to show a way of how far contemporary errors lead to. Actually she took facts from today (the book was written in 1986), and imagine how could become...
Racism has existed in the United States for hundreds of years. While the issues of racism came to a head in the civil rights era of this country, the issue is still alive and well within many aspects of society. Research shows that Americans are still very influenced by ethnic origin, and...
Globalization is an apparent concern in our world today. Not only are countries trading goods and conducting business with one another, they are also exchanging cultures and religious beliefs on some levels. While there are still many drastic differences between the developed countries and the und...
Marilyn Manson, The Beatles, NWA, Garth Brooks, and the king, Elvis, What do all these people have in common? Well, yes, they are all musical groups, but there is something more. Marilyn Manson is a heavy metal group who worships Satan, the Beatles were one of the greatest Rock N' R...
I. Introduction A gay man remembers his high school years filled with loneliness, fear, and self-hatred. Another man recalls spending every lunch period in a bathroom stall. A lesbian recollects her bottling up all her emotions and silencing all impulsive gestures, terrified of saying or doing a...
The Chicago Stockyards, Upton Sinclair, and The Jungle; A Fight for Social Justice The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were difficult time, from the end of the civil war to the beginning of the industrial revolution, the moments in that era reflected an unsettled and constantly c...
Today, no matter what you do, you need money to do it. Right? Right! Shop. Travel. Make a phone call. You even need to spend money in order to make money. Money is real. People seem to be under the assumption that information wants to be free and that by enabling people to learn and follow their own...
America is in the midst of a culture war, and one of the latestskirmishes occurred between the houses and hedgerows surrounding theSmithsonian Museum. On one side were the members of a growing numbers ofacedemians and cultural theorists who believe that American should not behonored as a coun...