8 Results for pop music

Electronic music Now, we are living in the 21st century. Most of the things are become electronic, such as the most music we listen today also become electronic. What called this music is electronic music. The mean of electronic music is music produced by machines that genre sound using electr...
Impact of music on society in the 1960's The Rolling Stones and The Beatles had a very great impact on society as of many reasons. Firstly, music was becoming ever more important in the everyday life of the youth. Music programmes on television such as Top of the Pops, Six Five Special a...
For more than four decades, rock and roll music has been the most popular genre in the world. According to wikipedia.org, a free online encyclopedia, rock and roll music became a new musical style in America in 1950s. However, its popularity was not exploded in US but in England by the newborn rock ...
Rock and Roll in the 1960s Rock and roll in the 1960s undertook some major changes. The style of music referred to, as rock and roll simply became known as rock during the 1960s. Many new artists came about during this time period that were instrumental in the development of a completely new ge...
By the summer of 1965, the so-called British Invasion of pop music was at its peak. And while there were many worthy UK groups occupying the number 2 and below slots, the Beatles at 1(A) and arguably, the Rolling Stones at 1(B),were, well, musically number one. The Rolling Stones and the Beatles are...
Why were they the most influential four persons on Earth in 1967? Why do Classical musicians and conductors compare them to Beethoven and Mozart? Why did they net $300 million last year--more than Michael Jackson who owns most of their songs--twenty-seven years after they last recorded? Why are L...
Events Leading Up To The Beatles Coming to AmericaIn mid 1963, The Beatles were at the top of the England's music scene with hit songs such as "Please Please Me", "From Me To You" and "She Loves You". Beatlemania was at its full swing all over the country. "With The Beatles", their second album, w...
Arguably, the success of Elvis Presley and the Beatles can be attributed to both their talent as well as skilled management. Arguing whether an artist or group is talented relies heavily on how talent is defined. For this essay, talent will be defined as a marked innate ability to do something wel...