13 Results for russian history

The Rise of Communism in Russia Unless we accept the claim that Lenin's coup that gave birth to an entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the history of mankind, we must recognize in today's Soviet Union the old empire of the Russians -- the only empire that survived into the mid 1980s (Lutt...
The historical impact of Operation Barbarosa cannot be denied. The Soviet victory over the Nazi German invaders set up the Soviets as a world superpower and set the stage for the Cold War. Had the Germans not attacked, the Russians may not have gained their dominance in Eastern Europe, and the Wars...
On November 18th of 1918, Germany, a member of the Central Powers, surrendered unconditionally to the allies. World War I had ended with a total of 37 million casualties, including 9 million dead combatants. German propaganda had not prepared that nation for defeat, and its suddenness resulted in...
This research paper documents the triumphant cultural and political revitalization of a victimized Europe, while providing details on the specifics of the liberation and the life of \"displaced persons\" particularly Jews, in post-World War II. Never before has an event in history been as tragic and...
Darwin Darwin is the main setting of Maestro. Paul and his family move there after his father accepts a position as a medical officer. It is the capital city of the Northern Territory and Australia's northernmost city. Settlement was attempted in the early 1800s by the English, but it was...
HISTORY- GENOCIDE 'Despite everything, I still believe people are good at heart'. These words were immortalized by a 16 year-old Jewish girl named Anne Frank. She wrote these words down in the midst of the most ghastly war in over five millennia- World War 2. This war is especially kn...
George Orwell's 1984, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Nazi Germany, and Stalin ruled Russia can all be related to Walker Percy's essay, The Loss of the Creature. In the book 1984 the world is run by a brainwashing committee called the Party. In Brave New World everybody is conditioned, from the tim...
Western CivilizationFinal ExamTuesday, June 23, 1998 Question:What were the causes of the World War II? Do you believe that the war could have been prevented? Why or Why not?After the fall of the Weimar government, and the rise to power of the National Socialists headed by Adolph Hitler, Germany u...
Was the Depression the Decisive Factor That Led to the Nazi Seizure of Power?Many factors combined to make the Nazi seizure of power possible including, it has to be said, a certain amount of luck. Obviously in considering how the Nazis came to power there is the traditional split between long te...
IntroductionThere is no question in my mind that the mass killings of the Jews during World War II affected the lives of these people and the people who loved and knew them greatly. I wholeheartedly disagree with the people who claim it never happened, whether they are against the Holocaust "theory...
Stephanie LeeMarch 13, 2001HolocaustResearch PaperEinsatzgruppen"You're doing your paper on what?" The Einsatzgruppen. "What is that?" Mobile killings units set up by the Nazis to solve the Jewish problem on the Eastern front.I knew the Einsatzgruppen was not very well known, but as I told people...
When we think of the quite courage of Miep and Henk Gies, and Oskar Schindler, and all others who refused to turn their backs on the Jews of the Holocaust, we ask ourselves how it happened that these few men, women, and children gathered the courage to face the risks they had to take. Who were these...
WW1 had sign. impact on Germany. Brought about collapse of Hohenzollern monarchy & its replacement by a democratic system, which, after early difficulties, seemed to flourish before becoming a casualty of the Great Depression. War's legacy allowed Adolf Hitler to rise from relative obscurity to...