244 Results for russian history

The Russian IntelligentsiaThe Russian Intelligentsia, a group of people who shared the bond of being intelligent and against the government, played the key role in overthrowing the tsarist government and instating a new government. The rebels involved in the beginning of the revolution started off ...
The United States and Russia have been battling off pernicious factions menacing the stability of their democracies over the years. Russia has come a long way over the past century, enduring a number of different phases that have completely desecrated any power Russia may have had paralleled to t...
Revolutions in the past have occurred because of powerful dynamic leaders. The Russian Revolution implied complete and drastic change, but the revolutionaries were the people who tried to bring about such changes. Lenin and Stalin were influential revolutionary leaders that set up a new way of livin...
The life of an ant in the movie Antz, is very similar to that of a Russian citizen under Stalin's rule. Of course the economy of the ants is a command economy, and everyone has to work towards "the good of the colony". When Stalin came to power in Russia, Lenin had already introduced ...
Eventually, empires and nations all collapse. The end can be brought about by many causes. Whether through becoming too large for their own good, being ruled by a series of out of touch men, falling behind technologically, having too many enemies, succumbing to civil war, or a combination: n...
The Russian Orthodox Church's history and development, which established it as an arm of the Tsarist state and an instrument of the perpetuation of Russia's unequal class system and anti-reform policies, made it a necessary object of destruction for the security of the Bolshevik revolution. The myth...
The persecution, deportation, and general abuse of those who call themselves Chechnyans, has been a heavy burden to bear over the last few centuries. Ethnically and religiously these people from the Caucasus are markedly different from their expansionist Russian neighbors. Centuries of miscommunicat...
Modern History oral task.The word at the beginning of the 20th century - Russian Revolutions.Tsar Nicholas II Nicholas inherited the role of Tsar off his father in 1855, when his father Nicholas I passed away. Tsar Nicholas did not have the abilities to be a natural autocrat. He cons...
Tsar Nicholas the 2nd was the last Russian Emperor, born on May 6, 1868. He caused a lot of controversy and changed history dramatically as a result of his poor preparation for the position. He ruled his country during the Revolutions, and led Russia into World War 1, all of which radically changed ...
Chechnya is a small republic consisting of Muslims and is located in the Caucasus Mountains. Its population is 1.3 million which makes up 1% of the entire Russian Federation population, from which the republic is trying to secede. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, many territories declared inde...
The Chechens always despised being ruled by the Russians, likewise, Russia loathed them ranked them among the most ruthless and severe criminals of the former Soviet Union (Roskin 285). Stalin deported the Chechens to Kazakhstan in 1944, claiming they were "German collaborators". When the remai...
Until 1917, Russia had been governed by a monarchy, which controlled the land for over 300 years. This was an autocratic government where the Czar was powerful, unchallenged, and never questioned. Until 1905, Russia did not have political parties of elections. Either the czar or the appointed minist...
Causes of the Russian Revolution The Russian revolution was caused by the continual breakdown of the governments in Russia and the incompetency and authoritarian views of it's czars. Their failures as leaders included policies that neither pleased nor benefitted the people. By the end of the n...
Who Started The Cold War?Drew LovyThe United States of America is responsible for starting the Cold War with the Russians. The Cold War broke out shortly after the Allied powers defeated the Axis powers in World War II. The Cold War was an arms race between the Russians and the Americans that last...
At the time of World War One, Russia\'s czarist rulers had entered with good intentions to win land and gain knowledge in Eastern Europe. The czar not taking certain things into consideration felt the stresses of the war and had his czarist state destroyed after over 5 million casualties were kill...
Russian Prison/Labor Camps Following the Bolshevik takeover of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Soviets dismantled the broad spy networks of the czarist secret police, the Okhrana, but the new government kept all essential functions of that organization in place, replacing the czari...
There were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. One was in February in which the czarist regime was overthrown, and a republic was established led by the Duma. The communists overthrew the Duma and held elections. Lenin did not win the election but seized power anyway. This caused the civil in October...
"Operation Barbarossa"On June 22, 1941 Operation Barbarossa took the Soviets by surprise. By blitzkrieg tactics, the three million Germans strong force struck deep into Russia, capturing whole Russian armies. Though expecting the raid, Russian president, Josef Stalin, was forced to sacrifice huge nu...
The use of either physical (such as the aggressiveness shown by the Cheka, the Russian secret police) or political force (such as War Communism) was prevalent in both the French (Between May 1789 - 1795) and Russian (Between February 1917 - 1924) revolutions. To protect and reinforce the revolutions...
Life in Russia has always been different from what most of us know in the U.S. Life under monarchy in Russia had its ups and downs. It was ruled by a tsar, up until the Russian Revolution, when the government turned from monarchism to communism. With this new was of life the very existence of the Ru...
"...But some are more equal than others..." Ever since Animal Farm by George Orwell was first published in 1945, a small, subconscious voice has uttered this phrase to urge the rethinking of equality. This closing thought and the events of Animal Farm closely parallel the history of the Russian Revo...
The Anglo-Russian "cold war" of the 19th Century and the US-Soviet "cold war" of the 20th Century were both conflicts over differences concerning the spread of communism. England's objective in the Anglo-Russian conflict was containment, the idea that England wanted to contain Russia within ...
\"In addition to the children in the United States who need families, there are countless thousands of homeless children in countries scattered around the globe\" (Klibanoff 166). Consequently, private adoption agencies are expanding their adoption services by entering into the international arena....
Chechen Rebels In the course of Russian history, there has been one territory that has caused a lot of controversy. The area is Chechnya, which is located in southwestern Russia near Dagestan and Georgia. Most of Chechnya's population is Muslim and doesn't like the rule of the Christi...
The only successful attempt to conquer Russia was by the Mongolian army under the leadership of the great Genghis Khan in the 1200s. Many other historical figures have tried to repeat his accomplishments, which somehow eventually led to their downfall. Adolf Hitler was the most recent to try to dupl...