8 Results for stem cell

Bioethics and Genetic Engineering By the year 2025, the world's population will be approximately 7.4 billion people and 2 million clones. What seems like something from a bad science fiction movie could, indeed, be a reality based on how quickly technology is growing in the area of...
Ethical Concerns of Genetic Research Throughout the course of the last several centuries, science and religion have been at odds with one another. During the Enlightment era, much conflict arose as to what constituted Earth- its shape, size and position in relation to the sun. In the 19th cent...
There are many scientific benefits to cloning. Cloning is defined as the making of a precise copy of a molecule, cell, or individual plan or animal. The scientific benefits of cloning are endless and know no boundaries. The reason that it knows no boundaries is because not all forms of cloning a...
A clone is an organism, or group of organisms derived from another organism by an asexual (nonsexual) reproductive process. A group of cells stemming from a single cell is also called a clone. Usually the members of a clone are identical in their inherited characteristics. An example of clone is ide...
Molecular Biotechnology in Our Life If you have had a can of soft drink, ate a fruit, or took some head ache medicine this morning - then it's very likely you have used a genetically enhanced product. Genetics is a part of biotechnology that manipulates biological organisms to make products...
Cloning Human cloning for reproductive purposes is a highly controversial and widely misunderstood issue that must be carefully examined and decided upon. The media has promoted ignorant responses to this issue by bluntly attacking the possibility of using cloning and paying little attention...
Evolution is the complex process by which living organisms originated on earth and have been changed and modified through changes in form and function. The earliest known fossil organisms are single-celled forms that are kind of similar to modern bacteria, which date back from about 3.4 billion year...
GENOME PROJECT Adam and Eve were doomed for trying to be like god, this is the same damnation mankind is headed to. Everyone's dream is to have absolute power and control of everything. The genome project and DNA engineering gives man the ability to create life and cuomize life to his specific need...