8 Results for stem cell

Stem Cell ResearchAugust 9th was a big day for our country and what the future will hold for stem cell research. "The U.S. conducts more than 90% of the world's biomedical research, with this decision to not fund all stem cell research we will most likely fall behind the world in this type of resea...
During his time in office, President George W. Bush has led the American people through trials and hardships unseen since Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency: An attack on American soil. Through his devotion to the safety of America in the War on Terrorism, as well as his attention to key do...
November 2, 2004, may mark a new beginning for our country. The Bush An administration that began with so much promise and hope for our country has fallen far beyond my expectation. From family values, the economy, foreign policy, gun control, and the environment are just a few of the issues that ...
Current Republican President, George W. Bush of Texas, has shown the country that he takes a strong stand on issues he is faced with. Democrat, John Kerry, a current senator and Vietnam veteran from Massachusetts, is liberal on social issues and moderate on economics and foreign policy. President Ge...
Analysis Essay Kerry vs. Bush The many tasks an American President assumes upon appointment are perhaps the most challenging roles any individual can undertake. The President is the head of state of the country and; under the U.S. constitution, the President is also the chief executive of t...
Taking Things For Granted... While chowing down some fried rice, I was busy watching poetry in action when my mother told me to turn off 'that wrestling trash.' Then I pondered something: how many people are missing out on this stuff? Then I pondered something else: how many ...
When I first received this assignment, I was clueless about writing about it. I wanted to write about something that I was passionate about and directly affected my life. I thought about writing about things at college, such as issues like suicide, adjusting to a new environment, and making new fri...
The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the essay "Faith and Diplomacy" by Madeleine Albright. Specifically it will discuss the religious support for the war in Iraq, and how faith-based influence has helped create and continue the war in Iraq and the war on terrorism. The ...