12 Results for stem cell

Stem Cell The discovery, made by Dr. James A. Thomson, a biologist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, offers great promise for new ways of treating disease. ES cells, which are derived from four-day-old embryos, can theoretically differentiate into virtually any type of human cell, from blo...
Since the death of former President Ronald Regan, federal funding of embryonic stem cell research is a topic which continues to be present in our headlines. Some people feel that embryonic stem cells could produce a cure for the devastating disease of Alzheimer\'s. Nancy Reagan is now trying to infl...
Stem Cell ResearchAugust 9th was a big day for our country and what the future will hold for stem cell research. "The U.S. conducts more than 90% of the world's biomedical research, with this decision to not fund all stem cell research we will most likely fall behind the world in this type of resea...
The topic of stem cell research has caused several opposing arguments over the years. When I reviewed both opposing articles of stem cells research, I realized the benefits this research can have on many people. People worldwide could benefit significantly if we give this research a chance to see wh...
Stem cells are a hot topic for the media today because our understanding of them has potential for incredible scientific advances in the field of biotechnology, yet we struggle because there are questions of morality raised by the methods by which they might be used. While in centuries pa...
Joel NewburyStem Cell ResearchWhat is technology? According to Webster's Dictionary, it is a technical method of achieving a practical purpose. But in a sense it is more than this: it is a key to the future of America. When we say the future of America, we are not talking about flying cars or things...
Cloning and stem cell research, which have been a big issue ever since Hans Spemann first raised the question of nuclear equivalency in 1938. The controversy behind cloning is that this will give scientists too much power, and many people believe that cloning should not be allowed because it is aga...
Should Scientists Be Allowed to Clone Children? The cloning procedure involves taking an unfertilized egg from a female, removing the nucleus, which contains most of the genetic information, and replacing it with the nucleus of a cell from the adult person to be cloned. The most difficult part is t...
Technology seemingly never stops growing and changing. And why should it? Just as every human being changes with experience and age, so then do our creations. Unfortunately, it is in our collective nature as humans to be afraid of change. Change inevitably raises moral questions within us, remov...
Cloning: Problems and Controversies Human and Animal Cloning has been a big issue over the last few years. Thought the processes and procedures have been in testing for over a hundred year. The first Cloned animals were frogs in the 1950's (Daniel Cohen 12). The techniques ...
In our society today there are many topics that are very controversial and stir up heated arguments. When you think of these issues, things like abortion and the death penalty come to mind. The leaps and bounds made in the advancement of technology that must be discussed and decided upon, this will ...
Research Paper: CloningToday, humankind lives in a world of technology, technology that is rapidly advancing and presenting more ways to improve life. The cloning of animals and humans are part of this technology, parts which can ultimately lead to the reassurance and pro-longing of life as we now k...