7 Results for stem cell

The article highlights the innuendos of President Bush\'s role in the lack of funding for stem cell research and the stiff limitations the field is plagued with. Whether or not you agree with all of the practices of stem cell research, the article is very informative of its uses. It outlines the ind...
Stem cell research has become a huge topic over the past few years. Stem cell research raises many questions amongst those who are not fully aware of the capabilities to stem cells can provide. The most recent issue in stem cell research has to do with President Bush. On August 9, 2001, the preside...
Twenty years ago, scientists only theorized that they could modify living organisms. However, what was once only science fiction is becoming today\'s reality. Genetic Engineering can always be an advantage to someone. Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends, stated that \"not t...
The science of biology has evolved to the point today that an animal's basic nature can be quickly and permanently changed by altering its generic structure. The possibilities that the genetic engineering of animals can bring us is endless; from the Harvard-Dupont mouse prone to developing ca...
Bioethics Paper "Bioethics is the study of the ethical problems arising from scientific advances. This usually is dealt with in the field of biology and medicine," (Webster 1). Bioethical research is beneficial to the prosperity and growth of humans. With advances in the biology field...
Biotechnology is an unstoppable reality, and it should be something closely watched (Thompson). Biotechnology concerns human beings, problems concerning plants, animals and the environment. There is a great range of issues and topics when talking about biotechnology. However, the main question is wh...
Designer baby is a very recent topic that started around the late 20th century into the 21st century. Since the time DNA was discovered, genetic modification is advancing in our world. One discovery leads to the next, from fertilization by sperm injection to freeze-banking of embryos and postmeno...