4 Results for suspense

Chabert 1 Guy Chabert Mr. Adkison English 102 12 April 2000 Solution in School Murder It is 7:30 on a normal Tuesday morning at Westside Elementary School. The buses have begun to pull into the child unloading dock and have unloaded the students. As the buses pull off, the student...
Feb. 2, 1996Feb. 19, 1997Moses Lake, Wash. 2 students and 1 teacher Bethel, Alaska Principal and 1 student killed, 2killed, 1 other wounded when 14-year-old Barryothers wounded by Evan Ramsey, 16, at his highLoukaitis opened fire on his algebra class.school.Oct. 1, 1997Dec. 1, 1997Pearl, Miss. 2 stu...
Prejudice.The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish, and the tyranny's of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity & goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for He is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children, a...
There has been an alarming concern towards violence in the society. Whether it is in a developed or industrialized country, or if it is a society crippled by war, man is surrounded by different forms of violence. In the streets alone, a child may potentially witness death from gang encounters. Schoo...