5 Results for thriller

Hannibal, released in 2001, is part three of the Hannibal Lecter trilogy. Edited by Pietro Scalia and directed by Ridley Scott, also known for ground-breaking films such as Alien, Blade Runner, and Gladiator, Hannibal stars Anthony Hopkins as the criminally-insane Dr. Lecter. The movie also stars ...
Hannibal For those interested in seeing Hannibal, you'll find greater enjoyment of the movie if you avoid comparing it to Silence of the Lambs, its smashing predecessor. Hannibal has a different style, altered tone, and a sweeping change in story emphasis. In short, it's bigger, simpler...
Hannibal, written by Thomas Harris, is a combination of a thriller and a mystery. From the first word that is read in this novel, until the last one, the suspense of Hannibal Lecter's next victim or phrase is very entertaining.This book entails the struggle for a man to find true love, although he ...
The Silence of the Lambs took the Academy Awards by storm in 1992, winning all five major categories, direction, screenplay, acting and Best Motion Picture; beating the odds in more ways than one. Dark psychological thrillers rarely win Best Picture (the last occasion was back in 1940, Hitchcock&ap...
The Silence of the LambsThe Silence of the Lambs is a critically acclaimed movie based on the book Silence of the Lambs written by Thomas Harris. The Silence of the Lambs is an Orion Pictures Corporation film which was copyrighted in 1990 and was a Strong Heart/Demme production.The Silence of the L...