5 Results for thriller

As a cinematic genre dating back to the mid 1930's, film noir isgenerally defined as a dark, suspenseful thriller with a plotline revolvingaround crime or mystery. Following World War II, film noir gained muchrecognition when Hollywood thrillers, such as The Maltese Falcon (1941)with Humphrey ...
The Matrix (1999) is an extension of the existentialist motifs of the mid 20th Century set in the 23rd, for its obvious influences from the American Noir Style. This is apparent when looking at the five points of this existentialism. First, Thomas A. Anderson (Keanu Reeves), a.k.a. \"Neo,\" is por...
"There is indeed a dream-like quality to the convolutions of the narrative". [Walker: 1993 (ed. Cameron)] Walker made this comment on the film "The Big Sleep" (1946), yet it can easily be applied to other early film noir, such as "The Maltese Falcon" (1941), and "S...
INTRODUCTION. I have always been fascinated with the dark side. That is not to say that I bow down to Beelzebuub, or Darth Vader for that matter; but as an adolescent immersed in horror movies and thrash metal music, it became apparent to me that the dark side was infinitely more interesting. ...
David De SouzaComm. 3073/12/01Unit Two filmsNow, VoyagerIn "Now, Voyager" Bette Davis plays Charlotte Vale, the spinster daughter of an domineering, high-society Boston matron. Charlotte is so completely under her mother's thumb that, in her first scene, we see her hiding cigarettes from her mother ...