157 Results for university

Universal human rights make little sense unless they are supported by the concept of human responsibilitiesThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights is of little value if it is not accompanied by the concept of human responsibility - the ability of individuals to adhere to the principles of the decl...
Humanitarianism and UniversalismIn the article "Women and Cultural Universals," Martha Nussbaum discusses about basic human capabilities that should be granted to every human being regardless of their sex, race, or religion. However, a problem arises with reaching such basic rights since every nati...
The United Nations Organization was established in 1945 on the basis of "faith in fundamental human rights." It furthermore committed itself to promoting "universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion...
Introduction When there is a cycle of violence going on, it is hard for a person leave because everyone becomes accustom to a certain way of living. This is because human beings are creatures of habit and are scared of change because it is a part of the unknown. However, there has to be a po...
"Campus "speech codes" like the one that got Eden Jacobowitz in trouble at the University of Pennsylvania do more to violate rights than to uphold them, and should be abolished." In the case of Jacobowitz it's a simple sign of rules gone wild. While we need to protect ...
International Human Rights as a concept, furthermore, as a good concept is not an agenda any sane person could dispute. Why then, are we inundated with human rights violations on a daily basis? What is the problem here? This is the question that plagues human rights discussion, and this is the qu...
United Nations' Approach to Ending Ethnic Conflict: A Flawed Policy For virtually all of history, ethnic divides have been a major source of conflict among the world's peoples. Whether it's slavery, ethnic isolationism, religious dogma, or egocentric bigotry, people have an historically innate...
The 1791 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens was drafted by the French assembly due to the ignorance, neglect, and contempt of human rights caused by corruptions of government. One hundred and fifty-seven years later, the United Nations drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ...
Ovide Mercredi, a Native rights advocate and an advisor for treaty and Aboriginal rights, taught Native studies at several universities such as McMaster University and University of Lethbridge. He was also the national chief of the Assembly of First Nations from 1991 to 1997. In his speech, "I...
Human rights are universal, indivisible, and interdependent. Human rights are what make us human. When we speak of the right to life, or development, or to dissent and diversity, we are speaking of tolerance. Tolerance will ensure all freedoms. Without it, we can be certain of none. The raging...
Human Rights and democracy have always created controversy and this can be said to be true in the face of the emergence of the Asian Values discourse. In order to discover why certain states are furthering these types of values we must firstly consider what constitutes Asian Values, secondly the r...
Human RightsI agree that human rights do not lend themselves to neat formulae. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) aims at guarding the interest of people residing in different countries. However, the political and cultural environment of a country would shape these rights. Some of the ...
It is the natural right for everyone in the civilized world to enjoy the benefits of freedom. They are entitled to the safety of their lives and health. It is their god given choice to own property, and the fruits of their labors. According to John Locke this is the universal order. Undeniable f...
How democratic a country was Britain as of 1914? During the late 19th and early 20th Century, several acts were passed by Parliament in an effort to make Britain more democratic. However, whether Britain was completely democratic by 1914 is an issue for debate. In order to decide how democratic Brit...
Procreation is the greatest gift we humans are all blessed with. When a women's womb is fertilized this miraculous feat is the beginning of a journey which loved ones share. The women in Canadian society today have been given a legal binding right to have the choice if they choose to abo...
Human Rights On December tenth 1948 in the Palis de Chaillot in Paris, the United Nation's General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The document is made up of thirty articles which deal with a series of basic human rights and duties. It follows the premise that " the ...
A Latin statement commonly used in the Middle Ages to define the purpose of government reads \"servitium proper jura, non potestas praeter jura.\" This statement translates as, \"service to and for the sake of rights, not a power exercised beyond or outside of rights.\" This age-old definition of wh...
It is common that human beings everywhere demand the realization of diverse values to ensure their individual and overall well being. Every American citizen has the ability to live his or her life free and full of equality, while also taking further steps in having a voice and power. As human rig...
Abstract Recent developments in international politics, which have both ceased and contributed to shaping prevalent, universalized norms, are of significant importance, upon the pursuit of the study of human rights in an international context. Especially as a result of world wars experiences and in ...
The Department of Culture and the Arts is committed to providing services to communities throughout the State. This is to ensure that all states have access to quality arts activities, cultural experiences, and information services. The arts are not the problem, they are the solution. And this is be...
Community Development in Culture and the Arts The Department of Culture and the Arts is committed to providing services to communities throughout the State. This is to ensure that all states have access to quality arts activities, cultural experiences and information services. The arts are not the p...
Child Labor In the United States of America, people believe that child labor does not effect them, not knowing that the Persian rugs they put in their homes maybe made by children in small, dark, and cramped rooms. Some people do not realize that the basketballs children are playing with were made...
There has been much debate over the years concerning the ethics behind our use and treatment of animals. The controversy continues today, without any universal conclusion as to whether or not our treatment is immoral. However, it is my belief that our society's use of animals for food, research, a...
Introduction The purpose of this project is to provide an effective and comprehensive overview of the concept of human rights. Toward this end, it is essential to accurately define this intellection by analyzing its development and progression from a historical perspective. Such an evaluation will...
Capital Punishment- A Matter of Life and Death Capital Punishment: the penalty of death for the commission of a crime When turning on the television, radio, or simply opening the local newspaper, we are bombarded with news of arrests, murders, homicides, serial killers, and other such tragedie...