91 Results for world history

Causes of World War IWhat started out as a local European disturbance between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, ended up as the most horrific war in world history. Many textbooks say that Germany was the main cause of World War I, but there were many more factors that aided the start of this atrocious aff...
Knitting Knitting is the making of fabric by using special needles to interlace yarn in a series of loops, or stitches. Knitting, uses two single-pointed needles for flat work and a flexible circular needle with points at each end or several double-pointed needles for circular work, remains a p...
Early History The history of Algebra begins in Egypt, Babylon, and India. Although it was in these areas that the roots of Algebra began, the message and teachings of it would eventually spread throughout the world. The Arabs first practiced this mathematical form, and they are given credit for ...
Five Important Events in History Essay #1. For all practical purposes, the Renaissance Early Modern Period is distinguished from other periods in European history almost entirely in intellectual or cultural terms. As far as larger historical patterns are concerned, the period is more or less consid...
The Colombian Exchange When Columbus sailed over in 1492 he had no idea how his voyage was going to affect the old and new worlds. Christopher Columbus first journeyed to find Asia brought him to the Americas and forever changed the course of history for both. The exchange of ideas, technology, ...
Throughout history, there have been rules that all people live by. The most important one can be shortened into two words "supply and demand." For example if the people of a society suddenly demand the streets to be different colors, and if enough people or powerful people started demandi...
Property and Power: The Colonization of a New World Christopher Columbus' discovery of a new world in 1492 led to a power struggle of enormous proportions throughout Europe over the next three hundred years. The taking of land and the treatment of its native peoples would define this ...
Have you ever driven down the road in some town somewhere and saw a person wearing different clothes than you or selling their cultural arts and crafts, that are unusual to you, but not to them? Have you wondered where they "got" that idea from, or who "taught" them that? I'...
"In a great many civilizations, at least until present era, marriages were arranged in the interests of kinship networks, not at the whim of lovers"(Adrian Brune) Procreation, the goal nature wants to achieve with this union, is the basic factor and the only reason, which has tran...
The word \"medieval\" came about when early scholars combined the two Latin words medium (middle) and aevum (age), which means the transition between ancient and modern times. The first 500 years of this period are the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Ages. They were called the Dark Ages because learni...
ImperialismImperialism, the practice by which powerful nations or peoples seek to extend and maintain control or influence over weaker nations or peoples, has been highly debated over the history of the World (Wesseling, H. L, 1997). In 1492, Columbus discovered the New World and, in 1498, Vasco-da...
What are the major defining characteristics of a civilization? How has the defining characteristics of a civilization in the past been evolved to better people's lives today? Many factors have been used to develop a civilization. Some have been more effective than others have. Throughout this p...
Throughout history, rates at which civilization developed varied greatly from continent to continent. This variance in development can be seen today in almost any country of the world. Take for example, the comparison of the United States (a world super-power), to any less developed, third-worl...
World War 1The beginning of the twentieth century was supposed to be the century of brotherhood. Europe had a collective of alliances that was supposed to keep the mother countries out of war between each other. It was believed that cooperation was the ideology of the European empires, but it was sl...
Man's history can be traced biblically and scientifically. The bible records the slaying of Abel by Cain. From that point we are able to trace the progress of our warring ancestors by studying their artifacts and the written records of the bible. As man became more and more proficient in making...
WORLD CONFLICT IN THE 20TH CENTURY 1 The 20th century was the bloodiest 100 years in human history. Based on numbers killed, in warfare, the 20th century exceeds all other centuries combined. The three major conflicts between 1901 and 200 were World War I, World War II, an...
There is no stronger association in history than between the Middle Ages and religion. It seems that there is no work of history written during or since that does not make this connection. The faiths of the middle ages were the source of great triumph and great strife. There is no point...
Sahil Rattanaphas IB History period 2 January 24, 2004 "How valid is it to claim that Europe "stumbled into" a world war in 1914" The late 1800's brought upon a growing trend of Imperialism towards Europe and five of her most powerful nations, Russia, France, Engl...
We live in a world in which the consequences of the nineteenth and twentieth-century Western imperialism are still being felt. By the early nineteen hundreds, Western civilization reached the high point of its long-standing global expansion. The expansion took many forms such as economic, political,...
"European witchcraft was a unique phenomenon which differed from European high magic from the low magic or simple sorcery" (Russel 658). "High magic and simple sorcery differ however in methods and motivation" (658). High magic was astrology and alchemy (658). Sorcerers are usually people that are m...
One of the most devastating and frightening time-periods of our history was during the Second World War, when between five and six million Jewish civilians were killed throughout Europe in a mass genocide. A large portion of the Jews were killed by the Nazis under Hitler's regime. However, thousand...
Thomas Cahill\'s book \"How the Irish Saved Civilization,\" is called the untold story of Ireland\'s heroic role in maintaining Western culture, from the fall of the Roman Empire until the European dark ages. The main point of this book, as specified in the book\'s title, is how the Irish saved civ...
Population, the total number of inhabitants constituting a particular race, class, or group in a specified area. All of our lives we have heard many things involving population, such as baby booms, mini booms, death decreases, and they used to mean good things, but today they are placing o...
Scholars have been debating Europe's rise to power for centuries. In the earliest history, it was due to God's will. Then, many promoted the race theory. Now, the argument comes down to a combination of environment and culture says Harvard historian David Landes. He argues that argues in his books W...
HOW USEFUL IS THE TERM 'CULTURAL REVOLUTION'WHEN APPLIED TO THE SIXTIES?I propose to define and to argue the question "How useful is the term 'Cultural Revolution' when applied to the Sixties?" My objective is to include examples from history, history of science and religion. History - Mainstream ...