95 Results for world history

In his book Nils Gilman speaks about the many theories that defined modernism and modernization during the twentieth century. Those theories refer mainly to the American pint of view and their concept of situations, compared to other countries that were, at that time, less developed. The theory of ...
Romanticism made a greater difference to us than anything else since the Renaissance. It was a precursor to a whole new reference for thinking and the structuring of society. Berlin traces the evolution of romanticism with its many levels of comprehension and implications in modern thought. He leads...
Social Darwinism History Social Darwinism and its use to Justify Business Practices of the 19th and 20th century. Thesis: The need for a justification of enormous wealth of a few and an unimaginable poverty of millions was, as many tend to believe, fulfilled by the emergence of a the...
The history of United States of America starts relatively late when compared to other countries of West European civilization. However it inherited the background and experience of the "old world" and succeeded in becoming the world's superpower. Today, the United States dominates the world in polit...
When Will "Our Way" Be To Much? In 1776 the U.S. gained it's independence from British rule, and here we are two hundred and twenty-eight years later. We are not only an independent country, but the number one nation in the entire world. However, we did not become the best in the w...
In today's American society, and most other places around the world, one's race, ethnicity, ethnic background, or whatever other politically correct title one wishes to attach to this phenotypic identifier, is as plain as the nose on one's face. For many, in the "dominant cu...
Throughout the world today, the lives of millions of people are governed by what Karl Marx said. In the brief period since his death, his doctrines have exercised an almost unparalleled influence. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel, a fellow philosopher, put together the famous Communist Manifesto...
Transcending the Barriers \"My primary interest is to explain something out there that impinges me, and I would sell my soul to the devil if I thought it would help.\" Eric Wolf, 1987 Eric Wolf\'s interest into the realm of anthropology emerged upon recognition of the theorist- imposed boundaries, e...
In this paper, I will try to explain the puzzle of whether individuals are products of society or society is a product of individuals. I believe that in general, and in the beginning, the answer to this question, is that culture is a human product. I will start by presenting early man, the hunter an...
Work has no intrinsic meaning. The statement is either true or false, in which case if it is true then the same activity may be work in one context and not work in another; therefore work would derive its meaning from its social and economic contexts. If work does not have intrinsic meaning then i...
Context The intellectual climate in France in the middle of the twentieth century was dominated by the philosophy of structuralism. Structuralism has been applied to a diverse range of fields, from anthropology to philosophy to mathematics. Structuralism claims that meaning doesn't rest in the in...
Imagine you were taken from your normal everyday life and put into a situation that was different and unfamiliar to what you know. The language is different, the food is different and they have different customs and world views. For some, this situation would be fun and interesting, but for most thi...
Alexis de Tocqueville and Karl Marx both believed that revolutions were inevitable. However, the two did not agree on all aspects of revolution. De Tocqueville found that revolutions couldn't be deterred, but also found that no laws in history determined revolutions. On the other hand, Marx use...
What do you find most impressive about Foucault's History of Sexuality, (Vol. 1)? And what are its main deficiencies?Michel Foucault 'a History of Sexuality Volume 1' is marked by his application of the concept of power relations in modern society, particularly in respect of sexual history. In the ...
The idea of justice is a prominent issue for all societies. Courts have been established to censor the actions of accused persons and it has long been a major theme to be dealt with in many societies throughout history. One of the first cultures to describe the issue of justice is ancient India. B...
"To educate educators! But the first ones must educate themselves! And for these I write." Friedrich Nietzsche The overarching goal of existentialist thought is to question the common understandings of the virtues of freedom and responsibility. Maintaining that the free will is an...
What makes a society civil? This is surely one of the most important questions to ponder in macro-political theory. For so much else depends on our view of civilized behavior. The meaning and purpose of society, what we ought to do, and what we hope to accomplish - all these are fundamen...
Summary The beginning of the book gives stories of different people around the world and explains how these people are affected by their existence in a "global village". These examples are given for two reasons. The first is to show how the entire world is connected and the second is ...
Freedom of speech, expression and practice give a broadened sense of human capabilities. It has been observed that science evolved from the experimentations that scientist pursued for the better learning and understanding of related phenomenon, the same logic is applicable over the social system. In...
Over history various methods have been used to justify discrimination. Although religion and race were both successful in instituting social hierarchies, the implications of their characterizations were quite different. Though similar in their origins, the transition from religion to race as the bas...
Social Darwinism in American HistoryToward the end of the 19th century, the United States entered a period of growth and industrialisation. An abundance of natural recourses, cheap labour supply, and a self-sufficient food supply contributed to the industrialisation of the United States. This time...
At the commencement of the twentieth century, a period referred to as progressivism swept through America. Precisely, this era in American history began soon after the Spanish-American War and lasted until the beginning of World War I. At this point in history, America was in turmoil due to intern...
Power Struggles in SocietyMills, Schudson, and Gitlin show different approaches to society and the role of mass media. Each approach helps illustrate a different focus on society. They each hold special relevance in a discussion of the history of societal beliefs.The Mass Society refers to the ove...
The term 'race' has been employed throughout Western history as a way to categorize difference in society and to justify exploitation of certain groups by the powerful. Scholars in the field of sociology question the validity of the concept and term 'race' in academic analysis. Miles and Satzewich...
Biblical Anarchy Anarchy is an idea of an ideal society in which there is no government or political authority. In today's world, a world where the blind and afraid are ruled by imperial oppressors, the idea of anarchy is seen as a very negative thing. Most people think of anarchy as des...