
             The definition of euthanasia means "easy death". Today we refer to euthanasia as mercy killing "the voluntary ending of a life of someone who is terminally or hopelessly ill."
             Today I am here to persuade you to support the group known as the "Pro-Lifers".
             I will do this by explaining several of the problems, causes, and some solutions that I feel will cut or even stop this huge problem, deemed abortion.
             Today teenagers are getting mixed messages from parents, peers, and the media. This is the reason for the increased birth rate. Abortion is being used as a method of birth control, which was proved in a study done by the Lancet magazine February 1995, pg. 300 that 245 of teenagers aged seventeen to nineteen have undergone induced abortions.
             As the world grows with the new times we must look at these such important issues that will dramatically affect us soon enough in the future. Sixty million abortions are done yearly, and the number only increases as more countries legalize abortion. That means that in the 29 years abortion has been legal, over 1914 million abortions have been preformed. I wonder if people think before they get an abortion, because they must not see what they are doing. If you think about it, the child in the mothers' womb is not volunteering to be killed; it does not have a choice on whether it will live or die. A fetus's heart starts beating just 18 days after a new life was created, beating before the mother even knew she was pregnant. I agree at this point the fetus has not developed its full potential as a human being: but neither have any us. Nor will any of us have reached that point: that point of perfect humanness when we die. Because some of us may be less far along the path than others, does not give them the right to kill us. But those who favor abortion assume that they have that right. The decision is not up to us because we are not God. Onl...

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Abortion. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:01, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/101368.html