Automobile-Their Effect on Our Lives

             Automobiles- Their Effect on our Lives
             If we didn't have automobiles, then our lives would be very different and maybe even difficult.
             If we didn't have automobiles, then you would probably have to walk and it would be longer getting to where you wanted to go.
             Automobiles also put out toxic fumes that pollute our air.
             If we didn't have automobiles, then there would be a lot of places we would not be able to see. Automobiles are a big opportunity for us.
             Automobiles are also used for fun things like entertainment. You can listen to radios in them and also the Nascar industry. People racecars for a living and some mechanics fix them for a living.
             There is also a danger in them. Have you ever heard the saying "Highways are Dieways"? There are so many people dying in automobile related accidents. People are always in a hurry, so they speed, run a red light, or drive on the wrong side of the road.
             They are also used for some good. If we didn't have them and someone needed to go to the hospital, then they might not make it in time.
             There is also an expensive, like tickets if you run a red light or if you have a wreck and you have to pay for the service on it.
             Automobiles are an expense and also a danger, but I am sure glad we have them. They make our lives so much easier. Without them, you can see where we would be. Thank goodness for automobiles!

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