Differences Among Them-Clergymen

             When discussing the sociology of religion, you are forced to think about what groups are present throughout. As with any organized group, there has to be a presence of leadership (Johnstone). The leaders are those looked upon by the group or society for advice, reassurance and social norms. Leaders are an extremely important role in a group, for without them there would be chaos.
             Religious leaders are generally chosen by the higher ups in the hierarchy of the Church and are generally accepted. They are put in place to monitor and evaluate good deeds of their community. They inspire the group and help them in making crucial decisions as well (Johnstone).
             There is a twofold hierarchy present in the Church, one of order and one of jurisdiction (Vermeersch). The hierarchy of order holds its power in celebrating the Eucharist, or the Body of Christ; while the hierarchy of jurisdiction reigns over the actual Church.
             The rights of the jurisdiction hierarchy include, but are not limited to, the following. They possess the right to construct laws beneficial to the church. Jurisdiction acts as a judge on the observation of these laws. They have the right to enforce obedience and delegate consequences to those who are disobedient of the laws at hand. And finally, the hierarchy of jurisdiction is entitled to make any provisions in order to allow for proper worship (Vermeersch).
             With the hierarchy of order came what people tend to think of when they are speaking of priests, rectors, etc (Young). Order was present in the form of functions such as prayer, charity and hospitality.
             In the Catholic Church, supreme authority belongs to the Pope. In the discipline if the Church, Cardinals stand second in ranking. The Cardinals serve as advisors of the Pope. They have their own jurisdiction, instituted by the Pope himself. Next down the Church hierarchy are the patriarchs. Following are the archbishops who legislate over an e...

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Differences Among Them-Clergymen. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 22:41, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/103910.html