Dionysus: Influential Through Time

             Twenty-five hundred years ago, Western theatre was born in Athens, Greece.
             Between 600 and 200 BC, the ancient Athenians created a theatre culture that
             has influenced theatre through history. They created plays that are still
             considered among the greatest works of world drama. Their achievement is
             Greek theatre took place in large hillside amphitheaters. The players
             included a chorus and their leader, and the lines were more chanted than
             spoken. The chorus performed in the orchestra, not on a raised stage. The
             use of masks represented characters and high-soled boots worn added height
             to the players. Thespis is where it all began. Little is known of this man.
             It is uncertain whether Thespis was a playwright, an actor or a priest, yet
             it is his name with which the dramatic arts are associated in our word
             "Thespian". Thespis performed his plays on wagons and seats were set up for
             performances in the market place of Athens. The original word for 'actor'
             was hypokrites, meaning 'answerer,' for the actor answered the chorus.
             Thespis is said to have introduced and been the first actor, later called
             protagonistes ( first competitor). The introduction of a second actor
             (deuteragonistes) is in thanks to Aeschylus and the third (tritagonistes) to
             Greek drama was influenced by five playwrights over the 200 years following
             Thespis. The first three of these were tragedians. Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.),
             who not only composed the plays but acted in them, directed them, and
             choreographed them, is most famous for his tragic trilogy the Oresteia and
             introduced the concept of a second actor. This actor was called the
             protagonist, or the main character of a drama. Sophocles (496-406 B.C.)
             initiated using a third actor and is most famous for his trilogy Oedipus
             Rex. Euripides (480-406 B.C.) employed a far more naturalistic or human
             approach in his works. Aristophanes (448-380 B.C...

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