Rhetorical Analysis on Never Just Pictures

             Do any of you aware that advertisements have affected the public? Advertise is the most effective way for the manufacturers to introduce their products. The advertisements in the newspapers or television have manipulated the people to purchase their products but none of the people in the public alert that advertisements had been a concerned towards the society. However, in the essay, "Never Just Pictures" written by Susan Bordo, will be talking about eating disorders and the type of problems, and what role the different types of media have on society. The purpose of the essay is to persuade the audience to be aware of the effects of the manufacturers' advertisement. In order to convey her ideas convincingly, Bordo supports her article with pathos appeals from her own emotion and response, ethos appeals from her previous essay and newspaper to support this article, and logos appeals to the fact she found from other sources.
             The writer begins by writing about our society's fascination with being fat and how you can never be thin. She explained in some detail about eating disorders and how our interpretation of the perfect body comes from the fashion industry and models that have been getting skinnier with every year She feels that muscular athletes is just another form of abuse to the human body with their zero body fat and possibly little growth in the young people that participate in sports. The next issue she brings to our attention is how widespread eating disorders have become in males and females, all races and cultures. Eating disorders are a multifaceted issue with many causes such as social expectations, anxieties, physical vulnerabilities, self-image, depression, etc. Thus, Bordo concludes her message that she believes this entire issue is reduced to one of the biggest motives is those companies encourage people to buy their products to make profits.
             One of the main techniques used by Bordo in her articl...

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Rhetorical Analysis on Never Just Pictures. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:30, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/11249.html